I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a d...
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I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a day to £10 a day and got quite alarmed ! I am hosting 2 friends on...
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Hello Everyone, I have a question about trash removal. I host a private family home and recently moved from the area. Previously, I would go to the house once a week and take the trash to the local dump. Now that I moved I am not sure how to dispose of the trash. Our cleaning company suggested asking the guests to take the trash out to the curb on trash day. However, I do not feel comfortable asking our guests to do that. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you very much!!!
Asking guests to take the trash out to the curb isn't likely to work a lot of the time for two reasons- some guests may just neglect to do it, and if trash pick-up day doesn't coincide with booking dates, you could have a guest having to take a full bin of the previous guests' garbage out to the curb, which doesn't sound like it would go over well.
If you have neighbors there, as opposed to the place being isolated, maybe you could offer a close-by neighbor a bit of compensation to just move your bins out to the curb on trash days? A responsible teenager, stay-at home parent or someone who works from home, or retired person might be happy to make an extra $5/week for a few minutes work. Then you could just ask your guests, with a reminder note over the inside kitchen garbage can, to please make sure that all inside garbage is dumped in the outside bin by the evening before designated garbage pick-up day.
This is a great suggestion! Thank you for taking the time to answer 🙂
@Philip2261 I think @Sarah977 's answer is great! I would just add, if there is someone in the neighborhood that you trust to help with your environmental duties and enforce your House Rules, the Airbnb system does allow you to assign a Co-Host who can be the Puffy to your B.I.G., and with a trusted colleague in place you'll never have to worry about whether the guest has gotten everything on your checklist right.
So I am wanting to start a business to solve this problem. In some areas I see that there is a company that will go to your airbnb the night before trash and take it to the curb. They are charging $25 a time in KC. Not sure what pricing is elsewhere but that's a pretty high paying job for such little work. Problem is that here you can only put out 2 bags in some areas and for the units I cleaned that turn a lot every month then trash piles up and I find myself putting it in my car and trying to find a dumpster I can put it in. Yes, I know that its illegal to do and I could be charged a fine of $2500 or more if prosecuted but I really have no other option. Definitely not something I enjoy doing or want to do and I feel that somewhere down the line of who ever is handling the trash at AirBnB's im guessing probably half of it is ending up in someone else's dumpster! This is a problem that I am wanting to solve.
So Im thinking of offering a service of trash pickup for Hosts to have their trash picked up up to 10 times a month which is about every 3 days. We would provide a 66gallon receptacle that has wheels and lid and so you have your cleaner or guests put the bags of trash in there and we will pick up and dispose of it to the city dump.
I would love any feedback or insight on this idea and what hosts would be willing to pay or what they are paying now so I can make my pricing feasible. I also thought that $5-$10 could be added to the cleaning fee that is being charged so it doesn't cut into the hosts profits to have the service.
If you think that's pretty high paying you haven't factored in travel time, petrol , insurance and taxes you will need to boat as a business @Jacque1945
What service in KC does that?
Well I was thinking of a monthly fee for the service based off of how many times you would want it picked up! Maybe with a higher fee for less pick ups and ending with $25 a pick up if 10 to make it $250 a month. Initial start up fee of $100 to cover receptacle and getting put on the route. Would that seem feasible?
I don't know in my country hosts pay for a commercial bins collection service so it wouldn't be relevant @Jacque1945
I agree with your home cleaning company. you have to ask guests to do so. And on top, you need to set up an excessive trash fees so your guest will take this as a responsibility.
I didn’t set it up for one of my listings and then when i returned in a year, all garden bed is imbedded with smoking cigarettes butts. I have a non smoking house.
do this and don’t delay.