@Marci1280 So in these situations I would
1) Not talk to or message the guest in any way
2) Review the guest honestly
3) Collect the costs of the damage
4) Hope the guest reviews me before the end of the 14 day claim period
5) Consider if a claim is worthwhile
6) If yes then claim at day 13.5 or when the guest has reviewed me
Now 5 above is the most important step. Lets assume the guest will not pay - Then Aircover kicks in and pays you a depreciated amount. So unless you have the original duvet cover receipt you may get nothing. If the duvet is say 3 years old you may get nothing. What you will get is a bad review unless they have reviewed you before the end of the 14 day claim period.
We have been very lucky with guests - Yes the odd glass/mug has been broken and towel ruined but this is just a cost of doing business. As such we have never claimed form a guest.
I hope this at least helps your thought processes.