As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive ...
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As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive host fee? Like prices fees and taxes aren't high enough?
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We are really upset at this point. We have current guest that has violated the house rules and has an additional guest that he never said there would be. Our property is a NO SMOKING property both inside and outside. We have video from the security camera outside that shows him smoking. I confronted him about it and he said he would not smoke. He was basically chain smoking so I doubt he can stop. Then, he said he would have one guest with him. There is only on bed so we limit our cabin to two guests. His guest arrives with an additional person and they both had suitcases with them. I've contacted Airbnb and reported it. They said that they would "try their best" to contact the guest and inform them that they are in violation of the house rules. We are worried that they will trash the place. The guest can be heard on the outdoor security camera being disrespectful to the no smoking policy. I'm not sure how to handle the extra guest. I am going to personally accompany the cleaning person so that I can assess any damages including smoke smell. How do YOU handle things like this?
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Thank you so much for letting us know. True to form, when guests are caught doing something wrong and the host has proof, then inevitably they make up false claims as retaliation. Some Hosts aren't nearby their listings and don't have the luxury of being close enough to come by and address maintenance issues personally. So glad the place wasn't trashed! Why in the world would someone want to use an outside grill when it is so cold out? Another excuse to complain I guess.
It will be good to leave an honest review to warn future hosts about this guest; especially as he felt the need to use rude gestures. Honestly, how juvenile. 🙄 Then lying about his mother dying 4 days ago, that really takes the cake. Be sure you are factual and non-emotional in your review and I would mention they left the cabin tidy, but unfortunately broke some important house rules and that you would not host again. Once they post their review and you feel it violates Airbnb policies as retaliatory, I would try to get it removed. In the mean time, post a factual, non-emotional public response to their review (if it's negative).
I’m sorry about your disrespectful guest. Once serious house rules are broken, guests can be removed from the premises per other community center posts. You have to have documentation (in your case video evidence of them smoking multiple times, did you message them on the app/platform (written documentation), and you spoke to them). Airbnb should have allowed you to terminate their stay due to not following the house rules and they should not be allowed to a refund because they broke your rules. Look at the terms and conditions for Airbnb and what is allowed for the guests breaking the house rules on number of guests and your no smoking policy.
Hi @Lorina14 , Yes, we have videos, the string of texts I sent, and we will have physical evidence once they leave. Airbnb has not been much help at all about this. They advised us that we can charge an additional fee the the third person and we will do that. I have advised the guest that there will be an additional deep cleaning fee if there is the smell of smoke in the cabin or on the furniture, I completely expect to find it a mess after they check out. We have had some wonderful guests. But this makes the second rental that the guests were not good guests. The first ones trashed the hot tub, broke a blind, ruined a set of sheets, and dumped grease down the drain. I'm dreading what we will find after these guests.
So sorry about your other bad review too! It’s always discouraging when you have poor guest behavior. Hopefully it’s far and few between. I think another host posted about the strict rules he implemented that helped him only get good guests. The bad ones cancel after they read his house rules that he sends immediately after the booking. After he gets confirmation (I think a signed form) all is good as the guest actually read his rules and fines if things are not followed. I’ll see if I can find the post and give a link.
I remember your post about the first bad guest....yikes!
Sadly this guest may post a retaliatory review, which you may have to fight to get removed. Some guests have learned to make up complaints as a way of getting back at the Host as they get caught breaking house rules. Technically, I believe they can be asked to leave (reservation cancelled by Airbnb) for breaking the house rules by smoking and bringing addl unregistered guests.
For the future, I would add a fine to your house rules for smoking ($250) cleaning fee and a fine for any unregistered guests ($150 per guest/night). Some hosts actually add the addl guest fee to their fee section on the calendar to help them collect it if this happens. Especially since you only allow 2 guests. This may help you collect if you file a claim under Aircover. I would also add something to your message after a guest books to reiterate your strict no smoking policy (location in wooded area) and no unregistered guests.
Let us know how it goes...
Hi Joan, I am dealing with a similar situation right now where I have a guest that had a party last night and it looks like several of the guests slept over. For your policy about fining $150 for each unregistered guest, how do you actually go about collecting that?
1. You need proof that unregistered guests stayed (video) and/or the guest admitting they had addl guests stay overnight not listed on the reservation.
2. You need to have the notice about no unregistered overnight guests and the fee in your addl house rules and it's always good you include in your message after booking:
"For insurance purposes and for everyone's safety and comfort, all guests staying must be listed on your reservation; no unregistered overnight guests are permitted. Day visitors must have prior Host approval. The primary renter must be on property for the entire stay.
3. Then, if you don't typically have/use an addl guest fee normally, then we add the fee/fine of $150 to the addl guest fee section on the calendar for any guests over the limit stated on your listing (4). That way Airbnb can see that and pay the fee to you via Aircover if the guests doesn't pay it.
Timing - Cautions
I would urge caution on how you time this. I would not let on to the guest that you are aware they had unregistered guests stay overnight until they write their review. You are required to submit your claim to Airbnb and write your review within 14 days, so don't miss those deadlines. Hopefully they will write their review before that. Be sure your review doesn't contain anything that could cause Airbnb to remove it. If the guest did some things correctly be sure to mention that. You could say something like "......Unfortunately, this guest didn't follow some important House Rules and extra cleaning was required after their stay." Then I would give them a 3-4 stars for House Rules and Communication. 3-stars and below flags their profile and they get a message from Airbnb on what they need to improve upon, so use 3-stars and below judiciously.
If they don't write a review right away, wait unitl the 14 days are almost up. Be sure you have your video/photo evidence ready to go. Then write your honest review and submit your resolution claim to Airbnb and file your Aircover claim for the addl guests and addl cleaning required right before the deadline. You can message them if you like to see what they have to say after the 14days is up. Something like, "We were notified that extra cleaning was required after your stay and observed there were XX unregistered overnight guests. Could you shed some light on that?" If Airbnb asks for addl proof, be sure you meet their 30day deadline for submitting that on the Aircover claim.
@Mark5779 The way I would handle this situation is to remove these guests. They have disrespected your rules. It's your property and also your responsibility. AirBnB will do nothing for you.
Get them gone, instead of sitting and worrying about what they will do, break, or trash next. GET THEM GONE.
Sorry for your issues. We recommend that you should have immediately evicted the individual and the additional unauthorized guest immediately. Notifying AirBnB CS is mandatory, include pictures, video, etc. Notify the Guest on the Message board that they were in violation of the House Rules, go to the property and escort them out. If there is ever an issue, call local PD and issue an trespass notice and they will escort them off the property immediately.
We always have the guest responsible for the booking to sign and return the House Rules to us at Check-In. Change your HR's to state that "violations of any of these House Rules may result in immediate eviction from the property". Getting all guests to sign the House Rules should be priority one.
@Kia272 @Lorina14 @Joan2709 @Greg2406
Thank you all for your suggestions. Here is the rest of the story...
I contact him via text and told him the violations of the house rules. He said "do what you need to do". Then he texted me saying that the roof leaked and he hit his elbow and "be glad it wasn't my lady". And that he was going to do what he needed to do. He said he had photos and a video of the water coming in. I replied "I will be there in 15 minutes to evaluate the leak". He sent back that it was earlier that day. I said "I'm on my way". Let me mention here that I volunteered with the police for 10 years and was not worried about conflict. When I arrived I was very pleasant, shook his hand and asked him to point out the leak area. I could not see anything wet. He had a cooler with water in it and a towel under it and said the this was the leak water. It was clear, unlike what a leak from wood ceiling would be. I did not confront him, but I got a ladder out and felt the ceiling. It was not damp and actually had some dust clinging to the beam where he said the water was coming from. I put the ladder away and asked him to step outside where we could talk away from his two guests. I told him the reason form providing guest information, the reason for our policies, and the reason for extra charges. I think he understood. I also asked for photos of the leak and he said he doesn't have them anymore. While talking he said that he never reads house rules or anything. He offered to pay cash right then but i refused and said that it would be processed through AirBnB. After I left he sent me a text saying that the grill wasn't working properly. He said he couldn't get it to heat over 240 degrees. I told him that when it's 20 degrees out, propane grills do not heat up well. He later sent a text and said that he cooked his meal in a pan and that it was fabulous. I sent back "glad to hear you had a fabulous meal". Later both his girlfriend and her friend left. He acted like he was leafing too, but after they left he stayed and even locked the door (he had not locked the door before, even when they went out for the day).
Today my wife and I met the cleaners at the cabin. We were pleasantly surprised that the cabin was clean, tidy, and had no smell of smoke. Yes there were a few things not quite right, but all in all it was good.
I sent him a text thanking him for leaving the cabin clan and tidy. I told him that we are not going to ask for the additional occupancy fee and the additiona cleaning fee. I also told him that if he had said that he didn't read the rules and was sorry, we could haves handled this in a different way. He wrote in our guest book that the roof leaked and the grill doesn't work, but he also wrote that his girlfriend left and that was the "best part". He also had said that his mother died 4 days ago and that's why he was so stressed and upset. After looking him up on Facebook, we found that his mother died 6 months ago.
Our security camera recorded him leaving and his final jesture of giving us the finger on both hands.
So that's the rest of the story, Not perfect, but it could be worse. Again, thank you all for the input.
Thank you so much for letting us know. True to form, when guests are caught doing something wrong and the host has proof, then inevitably they make up false claims as retaliation. Some Hosts aren't nearby their listings and don't have the luxury of being close enough to come by and address maintenance issues personally. So glad the place wasn't trashed! Why in the world would someone want to use an outside grill when it is so cold out? Another excuse to complain I guess.
It will be good to leave an honest review to warn future hosts about this guest; especially as he felt the need to use rude gestures. Honestly, how juvenile. 🙄 Then lying about his mother dying 4 days ago, that really takes the cake. Be sure you are factual and non-emotional in your review and I would mention they left the cabin tidy, but unfortunately broke some important house rules and that you would not host again. Once they post their review and you feel it violates Airbnb policies as retaliatory, I would try to get it removed. In the mean time, post a factual, non-emotional public response to their review (if it's negative).