I had a guest I was forced to host- due to it being a "third...
I had a guest I was forced to host- due to it being a "third party booking" it was Airbnb.org- that I requested to cancel. Be...
We have a local donut shops that make amazing donuts fresh everyday. We try and leave one for each of our guests that stay. I was curious if any other people have some unique gifts they like to leave for their guests?
@Kathleen645DONUT MONSTER FTW! Nice that you're offering a treat that's good for vegans.
I'm just down the road in Vineland, and I sometimes leave guests with local wine or beer (Bench Brewing is virtually a neighbor). I'm always hesitant to leave food, because so many people have allergies or other dietary restrictions now.
great point about the food restrictions!
Due to shortage of toilet paper in Australia I leave this unique gift for my next guest, expecting at least a hand written thank note after they leave.
Is there really a toilet paper shortage in Australia right now?
There most definitely IS. People are stocking up - God knows WHY. It's become a sort of hysteria. Take a look at this. This is real. The women in question were charged. Id' like to be generous and think this behaviour was borne out of fear, but I suspect they were stockpiling to sell on at inflated prices ...
@Rowena29 There is another toilet paper fight, I don't know if you see this. lol
@Kathleen645 No there isn’t a shortage, people are panic buying in case they have to self isolate. Can’t run short of the essentials.
Just trying to see why I can't reply
Does water count. Lol
I have purchased fresh flowers before but no guests ever seems to notice or comment..so
@Fred185 we have fresh flowers for each guest-- on the dining room table and in the bathrooms. No one ever says a word. I just like the way it looks. My husband grumbles about the added expense.
Local goodies.
Our cottage is located about 20 minutes from several wineries so we will often leave a bottle of wine from one of them. One of my neighbors bakes for the gourmet shop near me and her cookies are often very coveted gifts for guests. A farm near the cottage has the most delicious goat cheese (Monocacy Ash if it ever makes it your way-- best served with truffle honey. Life changing.) That has gotten a lot of guest kudos. And there are no less than three local chocolatiers within walking distance of my primary residence so guests often get to sample some goodies from them. I always ask about allergies and preferences to make sure I match the treat with the guest.
I'm a bit like @Laura2592 - except I don't have an array of groovy nearby suppliers.. I'm essentially a beach holiday, although some people are coming for seclusion/retreat. Like Laura, I match the gift to the composition of the group ( my house can sleep up to 8).
This weekend is an extended family celebrating a birthday, I'll leave out a bottle of bubbly and make a banana cake. I have a family bringing their Scottish relative to sight see in a few weeks so i'll leave out "australian" produce - macadamia nuts and Tim Tams. But if I have a group of younger ones who are just going to hang out at the beach, I'll just leave out bread and maybe some eggs. I dont' ask about allergies - I have enough trouble getting basic information out of some of them like arrival time and how they want the bedrooms set up. If they don't want it, they leave it ( doesn't happen often) I ,put quite a bit of thought into what I'll leave out, but not a lot of effort any longer, then I'm not disappointed when nothing is said, or the food is left...
We have a basket that we fill with single serving snacks, popcorn, trailmix, cookies, crackers and a few chocolates.
We adjust the volume according to the number of guests.