When a host pubblishes a patently false review against you.

When a host pubblishes a patently false review against you.

I understand Airbnb has no way (and probably not desire either) to be involved in arguments between guest and host especially when it is just a my-word vs your-word situation.

But what about when certain things can actualy be proven ?

A host in Paris where I recently stayed for six days with my family (and we paid good money for that) wanted me to accept a charge of an extra € 25 after my stay as supplementary cleaning fee, that's on top of the € 59 cleaning fee paid upon reservation.

As proof of that he sent a bunch of pictures through the Airbnb system that were supposed to prove his point but really were just proving mine: we left the place pretty clean, my wife especially took care of cleaning everything, but yes obviously after a 6 days stay by a family of four some tidy up was needed.

The host pictures showed for example towels on the bathroom floor (yes, the one towel each that you left us were left on the bathroom floor, for collection), pictures of the towels themselves which I'm not sure what they were even supposed to prove as they were white as new, some dust on the floor (oh, really ?), the coffee machine with some coffee stains on its inside (BTW, thanks for leaving a grand total of 2 capsules for 2 adults for 6 days, please take the box of capsules we bought at the supermarket and give them to your next guest) and so on.

Because I declined this extra € 25 fee request, not really for the € 25 in itself but more out of principle, this host left a super negative review against me containing a bunch of lies including the poor cleaning condition thing.  This one at least could be proven to be false, since - as I said - his "evidence" was sent to me through Airbnb communication exchnge (he also complained about poor communications with me, and this also could be proved to be false).


So when I notified Airbnb about the situation I was hoping they could and would do something about it, because after all they had (I presume) access to the pictures this guy sent me when demanding another € 25 and so they could see this was a ridicoulous demand, ditto for the poor communications.

Unfortunately the only reaction I got was that his review didn't violate Airbnb guidelines and so it wouldn't be removed.

Well, lying should violate Airbnb guidelines, and at least part of the review could be proven to be a lie, I would have appreciated and expected more help from Airbnb.


I have a lot of reviews, all 5 stars (with just one exception of another case similar to this), I am of course "proud" of that and I am very attentive and considerate when I use someone'a apartment as a guest.  In the past I've done some guesting myself through Airbnb, I understand and like its phylosophy, but there are some weirdos out there who will just ruin things with false reviews, I think Airbnb should have a more energetic approach towards them.

5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Alessandro2087 , sorry to hear of this experience you've had. While we wait for other Hosts to share their comments, how did this go in the end for you? Did you reach out to the Customer Support team again regarding the review?



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi, thanks for reaching out. 

The way it ended for me it's simply that now I have a bad review on top on many good reviews and the former is just false, based on nothing.  Or in fact, based on the fact that the host asked for an extra € 25 after departure (on top of the € 59 cleaning fee paid upon reservation) for extra cleaning, providing me with pictures that in his mind proved that I left the place dirty but in fact proved the opposite (I'd be happy to share these pics with you if you like), I refused really just out of principle and as a form of childish revenge, the guy posted a very unflattering review of me witha nice collection of pure lies.


First time I'm having a bad experience with a Airbnb host.

@Alessandro2087 I feel your pain. Of course there's going to be a "mess" after a number of people have stayed in a place for several days. That's what the cleaning fee is for. Of course, I wasn't there, so can't weigh in on who is right or wrong, but it sounds kind of petty of this host, and you also sound like a conscientious guest. 


What I wanted to tell you is that as a host, if I get a booking or a request to book, and the guest has one bad review along with many positive reviews, I'll generally go to that host's profile and check out the reviews they leave for their guests.  I had this happen once before with a guest who was requesting to book, and she had an awful review from one host. I checked out the host's profile, and saw that she was just unhinged when it came to something or somebody who upset her in some way. That was proof enough for me that it wasn't the guest who had the problem. I accepted her booking, and she was absolutely delightful and a great guest. 


What I'm saying is don't worry too much about it. If you do have a number of positive reviews, this one shouldn't really affect your ability to book, and if a host asks, just explain what happened as you've done here. 


Best, Kia

Beware of Guest that lied to get refund


 HI Alexandro , I am glad to connect with other hosts from around the world.  i experienced the LIE factor from Guests as well . if they are not pleased with the area they would post lies and accuse the host of many things like place is dirty, their is bug in the house , the area is noisy or they don't like how people are looking at their cars making them feel unsafe. I lve in NYC and My ABNB is 70 miles north ,in the city of Newburgh and it is my second home as well. I do not keep any of my personal belongings in the rental unit but yet i was accused of having personal stuff there which is absolutely untrue.  they use this lie to get back 100%  refund stating that the place is a GHETO .That is misleading to the other guests. Many Guest stayed and love the place and area like we do.  The Area is indeed Gentrifying and looking great from five years ago. when we purchased the property.  I suggest ABNB should view the property to clarify and then make judgement and refunds.  Guests prefer not to cancel because they don't want to loose 100% funds. We don't charge a lot for the  3 bedrooms and two baths apartment that is very clean .  Our walls and baths are white and no issues .  One Guest tore up my rubber mat and lie about it . I believe that she made the reservation for a mischievous couple friend who did not tell her the truth that they destroyed the mat. i would not complain about little things but destroying the furniture is very disrespectful.  i do enjoy hosting, meeting new people and learning about their culture.  

I'm not really worried about my ability to book through Airbnb again (i just made a booking days ago) but I cannot stand lies made against me.

I also understand that in my word vs your word Airbnb just doesn't have any way to establish who is doing the lying but in this specific case the host made a claim for an extra € 25 cleaning fee (out of nearly € 1.000 I paid in total ...) providing as "evidence" some pictures - sent through the Airbnb platform and that therefore someone at Airbb could have taken a look at, which really proved nothing, in fact they proved I left the place in pretty good order.  The pictures showed things like some dust on the stairs (oh, really ?), the used towel left on the bathroom floor for collection (why is this wrong ?), perfectly still white towels to prve I'm not sure what, things like that.   So AIrbnb could have seen that his remarks about me having left the place dirty were untrue, and frankly I would have appreciated if they had done something about it.     I am 100% convinced that the host publised a negative review full of lies about me simply because I declined to pay the extra € 25 he demanded after I left.  I didn't even know one could do that, it's rather too arbitrary, I'm not sure this mechanism should even exist.