Why no payout?

Level 1
Radium Hot Springs, Canada

Why no payout?

I have been with Airbnb since September 2018 and originally I set up a US fund account for my payouts but Airbnb considered it Wire transfers! So I got charged $20 from Airbnb & $11.74 from my bank! I talked to several individuals from Airbnb & my problem got escalated up the ladder which resulted in Airbnb saying “no we did not take any $20 off your payouts” and I never received a refund for any of the deductions that were taken and As I said they were denied by Airbnb! So I had to close the account But now the problem is they do not recognize my bank account at all so I’m not getting paid at all! I send an email to CEO Brian & of course no reply! 
is there anything or anyone that can help me? 

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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Is there a reason you are not using a Canadian account?