evimde kalan kişi tarafından saldırıya // I was attacked by the person staying at my house

evimde kalan kişi tarafından saldırıya // I was attacked by the person staying at my house

evimde kalan kişi tarafından saldırıya uğradım ve telefonumu kırdı hakkında savcılığa dilekçe vericem


Nic adındaki Kanadalı bir kişi evimde kalıyordu ve sayfamdaki teknik hatadan dolayı ödemesi gereken ek 1000 tl için anlaşmıştık. Bu parayı son güne kdr ödemedi ben de talep edince eşyalarını alıp satmamı istedi. Kabul etmedim. Balkanlarda böyle yapıyorlar dedi burasının Türkiye olduğunu belirttim hayır burası da Balkanlar diyerek saçmaladıkça saçmaladı. Ben de polisi arayacağımı belirttim ve anahtarımı kafama fırlattı, başım şişti ve telefonumu elimden alıp fırlattı kırdı. Bu kişinin kimlik bilgilerine nasıl ulaşabilirim. 


I was attacked by the person staying at my house and he broke my phone, I will petition the prosecutor's office about it.


A Canadian named Nic was staying at my house and we agreed for an additional 1000 TL to be paid due to the technical error on my page. KDR did not pay this money until the last day, and when I requested it, he asked me to buy and sell his belongings. I did not accept it. He said they do this in the Balkans, I stated that this is Turkey, he said no, this is the Balkans and he continued nonsense. I said I would call the police and he threw my keys at my head, my head swelled and he took my phone from my hand and threw it and broke it. How can I access this person's identity information?

1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Cemile3 


I'm so sorry to hear you had this experience. At the time you posted, we did raise your concern to the relevant team and I do hope they've reached out to you. 

Were you able to get this resolved?



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