Ciao a tutti!
Stavo cercando un affitto per qualche mese in Germania, e su un altro portale ho trovato un annuncio. Dopo aver contattato il tizio (che si firma Harry nell'annuncio, Raimo nella mail), e chiesto un tour virtuale dell'appartamento, manda la seguente mail:
"That's fine with me, but I live in Finland now and cannot travel in this severe pandemic, so I have to send you the keys in order to visit the apartment. The process will be carried through Airbnb because it's much safe for both of us. I list the apartment on their website and give you the link that you can use to book it for the first month. After that you will receive the keys and if you like the apartment, we will make a 6 months contract from 1st June with the possibility of extension. Only the rent for the month of entry with the security deposit must be paid to Airbnb, that's in total 1500 EUR without any other fees and next rents will be sent directly to my bank account. I also have to mention that if by any reason you won't like the apartment, you can cancel the reservation and Airbnb will give you a full refund within the same day, but I'm pretty sure that you will be more than happy with your stay. So, if you agree with Airbnb, please send me your delivery address and I'll give you the link to make the reservation."
Mi puzza un po', voi che dite? Non mi pare che Airbnb svolga la funzione di tramite da pagamento anche per il deposito di un affitto, da che io sappia perlomeno.