All about linen and bedding sets

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Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

All about linen and bedding sets



Hello everyone,


A topic that we talk about fairly regularly here in the Community Center is around how to manage linens and bed sheets, especially when it comes to providing them, changing them and washing them. We also see hosts ask what colour linen others think are the most welcoming, but also the most managable when used regularly.


There are quite a lot of different solutions that hosts adopt, many of which are based on the type of accomodation you offer, but one of common concerns is around controlling costs. Perhaps you have a plan of how often you change the bedding and replace it, perhaps you have little tips like applying a mattress cover to help prevent ware, perhaps you choose to wash your linen at a certain temperature to make them last longer.


How can you offer an excellent service and keep in budget at the same time? 


Please share your tips on how to manage linens and bed sheets, and get inspired by the solutions suggested by other hosts. Please give a “thumbs up” on your favorite ideas shared by others!


I look forward to hearing from you.





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170 Replies 170

@Neil256  There are different qualities of those fleece blankets- I've seen really cheap, fairly thin ones, but the one I have is thick and I think it even had a Calvin Klein or Yves St. Laurent tag on it- like I said, the friend who bought it has upscale tastes, it wasn't a Walmart special.

But yes, utility and cleanliness are essential and while I've never had any guests stain anything to the point it couldn't be treated and washed out, I've read enough on the forums here to know that even if you are appealing to an upscale market, guests won't always take care of things- just cause someone's well-heeled and can afford a really nice place, doesn't mean they won't drink coffee in bed and spill it on the bedding 🙂  One host was practically in tears over her ruined $300 duvet cover.

I don't know if you have Costco where you live, but a friend who hosts swears by their packs of white towels and face cloths- says she doesn't know why, but everything washes out of them easily. And try to stay away from sets of things that you won't be able to match in the future. I.e. if all the beds have the same color grey sheets, you might not be able to find that exact color of grey when you need to buy more. Easier if you went with 3 different shades of grey, so any grey would look like it belonged. That's my 2 cents.

Level 10
Torquay, United Kingdom

In the Uk, we use a company soakandsleep who provide great quality linen & towels and usually have some sort of sale on all the time! Biggest annoyance (only happened once so far!) was a serial fake tan user who managed to get it on every item of linen including the bath mat! Luckily it came out eventually. My wife assures me the ironing service is well worth while! (I'm not a big or competent ironer myself!)


Level 1
Calgary, Canada

I just started my Airbnb hosting journey and keep learning. Ironing is very stressful so far but took some notes by this thread and will try next time. Many thanks to all of you.

Dry sheets one set at a time only; they need space to tumble (drying more than one set at a time will get you very wrinkly sheets).  If you have a wrinkle prevention setting that will keep them tumbling until you get them, use it. I am AT the dryer when the sheets are finished—or sooner if they're dry. I take them out one at a time (immediately hit that start/pause button and keep the other items tumbling) and either shake out and drape or lay flat if I can't fold them immediately. I go back to the dryer for next item and do the same. If you grab them all at once in a big bundle you'll get wrinkled sheets, especially if they're still hot/warm. Think about it: What is needed to iron creases into a garment? Heat. The heat still in the sheets from drying will act like an iron so if you bundle them up, they'll have more wrinkles than if you immediately spread them out or fold them.


The only wrinkling I get is along the top border and this is next to impossible to iron out permanently. I have solved this problem by folding the top border of the sheet over twice; no matter how many times I aggressively iron the top border I can never get the creases out so the very next wash the fabric is "wrinkled" / "folded" along the same creases. To counter this, I fold the top border over twice encasing what's on top of the sheets. The top sheet folded over like this also protects comforters/duvets/blankets from makeup or body oils. I only ever use 100% cotton high-thread count sheets. Hope this helps.

Hosting since Thanksgiving Day 2012 and over 1,000 stays. May you ever be the benevolent ruler of your own domain--YOUR life. Allow no other to rule over it.

@Nancy-and-Henry1  Don't sweat it. I barely iron anything- I just try to shake it out and fold things up nicely after they're washed if they're not going on the bed right away. I only iron stuff that's noticably wrinkled and then I iron the sheets while they are on the bed- much easier than on an ironing board.

No guest has ever complained and I get 5* ratings. We're not a Four Seasons hotel.

Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

Fortunately I buy my hotel towels at Costco which have the same “technology” in them as the ones at Target but for a much better price and in bulk!


i gave up on make-up on the white and just ask that guests use wipes provided or only the wash cloths because they are so cheap to replace. Most guests use the wipes. 

As for sheets I found these Mellanni sheets on Amazon for $25-$30 a set plus an extra set of pillow cases since we have 4 pillows per bed. Everyone RAVES about them including me personally. They are microfiber so they are quick to wash, quick to dry and for the most part stay wrinkle free. Best find in my Airbnb in my opinion. 

I’ve probably sent the link to over 20 guests asking where I found the sheets. 

Everything is white though.