I would love to hear you experiences
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I would love to hear you experiences
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Hello everyone!
So many of us are feeling the effects of the current economic climate. The cost of living has increased, and many of us have had to make changes to our budgets and be extra savvy with our money.
There are some costs which can’t be avoided such as electricity, gas or water, but I was thinking about how the increase in the cost of living would affect Airbnb Hosts who have more costly amenities at their listings, such as a hot tub or a heated pool.
I’m asking all of our wonderful hosts: did you have to say goodbye to any amenities in order to make hosting more cost effective? If so, which ones? Please let us know in the comments, and feel free to share any tips you’ve used to keep them running, if you’ve been able to do so at reduced capacity.
I look forward to seeing your replies.
Take care!
I've maintained all my amenities, though I have had to increase my prices in order to maintain cost margins. I believe that guests understand that prices are increasing everywhere, but they would not wish to see cutbacks as well in the quality of what they are receiving.
It's good to hear you've been able to maintain your amenities @Martin3344 - and I think for the most part people are understanding of price increases due to the cost of living - it certainly seems the case here in the UK.
On another note, I had a peek at your listings and they're gorgeous, I especially love the layout of the condominium! I lived in Edinburgh for quite a few years and love the city, but I'm down the road in Galashiels these days.
Thank you so much Jenny for that really nice feedback on my listings, I greatly appreciate it 🙂
I love the Borders as well. Galashiels must be a lovely place to live too, and still within comfortable reach of Edinburgh for return visits to the city !
My pleasure @Martin3344 - it's heavenly to be so close to nature! I can walk out of my front door, and be in nature within five or ten minutes.
The Borders railway has made it much easier to get to the city for a getaway, which is great, less than an hour and I'm there.
Hope you'll be sticking around the Community Center and getting involved in some of our discussions!
With listings in the city, have you had much experience with hosting during the Festival - performers or visitors?
Yes definitely @Jenny!
The Community Center is great and I love reading all the different topics and questions which come up. As I do everything myself at all 3 places I tend to be kept very busy, but I will certainly try to make contributions to the topics whenever I can 🙂
And yes, the Edinburgh Festival in August is always a hugely busy time and enormous fun, and the properties are always full with both performers and visitors during that time. I always leave a recommendations sheet in each of the apartments so that guests can pass on tips for good Fringe shows that they have seen to those who come to stay after them (and also to me !).
We personally became cord-cutters back in 2008, and were early adopters of online streaming. At the time that we opened the guesthouse almost all legitimate streaming services were geoblocked so we got cable for the guest suites, but we continued our streaming via VPN and rarely watched cable (we would have to get a cable box from a guestsuite, not worth the bother). We were forced to close for 16 months during the pandemic, and had stopped the cable service. When we reopened more of the streaming services that we normally used had become available in St. Lucia, such as Disney+, Prime Video, Netflix, Plex, and Samsung TV Plus (accessible on smart Samsung TVs that during setup have selected a region where the serviceis provided). We will not resume cable service since most guests are satisfied with the streaming services, and none have asked for cable.
We have not cut back on the amenities that we offer, but have had incremental increases to cover the costs of converting the suites into self-contained studios, which was required were for us to reopen.
It sounds like you're on top of things, which is great, @Debra300. Was there a lot of work involved in the conversion process?
It was a lot of work and expense to renovate the suites. Originally, there was a shared guest kitchen, and on the days that we washed linens we'd offer to include the guest's laundry.
These are the before pictures of one suite.
We had to install kitchenettes and laundry machines which required new plumbing and and electrical, dining sets, and cooking and dining amenities. This is what the studio looks like now:
These are so gorgeous @Debra300 - I love what you've done! Thank you so much for sharing photos.
I still have a Washer Dryer for guest but if guest break it I may not replace it. The risk is that if it breaks Customer Service may issue a 50% refund. It should last well over 10 year with proper use, but it's already developing issue.
I put labels on it "Do not overload, only half full" and "Clean lint after each use" and "Keep washer door open for 24 hours after use"
But some guest run it non stop. I just had another host stay 2 nights, and did over 12 loads, for just two people. What can they possibly be washing? The bedding wasn't washed. I wash that between guest anyway.
Thats an appliance that generally isn't supplied to a rental unit, and can expect much shorter life span.
I removed the dishwasher from the amenities. If it breaks then don't want to get charged. Guest have already broken the locking mechanism by forcing it open when it was running.
One guest left suggestion/complaint, "why no instructions for the dishwasher? What if guest wants to stay long term?" Well my is short term rental so he need not book again. Guest can message me. I can't have such a long guest guide or imply guest should turn it on, as they won't clean them enough and food will get baked on so have to run everything again anyway.
I removed a sleeper couch. Two guest had broken it by bending the frame when storing it.
I'll keep the microwave but that only last a few years as grease shorts out the door sensors. But thats an easy trip to the local appliance center and install.
For me most appliances are prone to breaking. Mine were all new so hoping they last a while.
But if anything becomes a problem and point of stress, it's best to consider removing it, or not having it listed in the amenities. IMO.
@John5097 Would it be a good idea to remove the dryer as an amenity? That way its a bonus to guests while it works and you won't get trouble when it breaks.
I've considered it but as its working kept in in the amenities.
I need to check all that again as things get checked on or off on their own. Recently within past few days noticed my "quite hours" was checked off. I clearly mention it is other things to note and house rules.
The only mistake I made was clicking that washer/dryer was "free" so now it shows up as "free" which might encourage more guest to wash every little thing, one towel, one shirt, shoes, etc. I don't charge but don't want to encourage irresponsible use. I state in guest guid to not do excessive laundry.
As long as they don't overload it, it should last though. I just put label on it not to overload, as one guest who ruined sheets stuffed two queen size bed blankets and sheets all in one load.
In part its timing. It would be nice to have as many appliances stored somewhere as backups but I don't have extra storage space.
I would like to imagine your climate in England, Scotland, etc might not require as many appliances and machines. On one hand appliances liberate us and reduce labor, but on the other they are prone to breaking and expensive.
The only positive is our climate is ideal for heat pumps so have been primary heat and AC for decades.
Finally I should have added that so far guest have been very agreeable when offer some kind of discount if some amenity isn't working. The last time a main fiber optic cable was damaged by some heavy equipment that disrupted internet for a wide area. Guest were fine with $40 refund I gave them.
At least I got a backup generator this year. Last year a hurricane took out power, thankfully for only 8 hours. Even a minor one can disrupt power for weeks. But that was a motivation to rent out back apartment to help recover from major hurricane. It really puts things into perspective with a narrow miss.
I have a washer/dryer combo in my studio. When the dryer kicks the bucket I won't be replacing it - neither my airbnb nor other guests use it much, they sun dry their stuff in the drying yard.