Hello! I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for...
Hello! I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for furniture for my space and for the bedrooms e.g bed frames, nigh...
I have placed all my streaming services accounts on the tv on the space I've been renting. Most of the time guests dont use the guest profile I've configured and all my view history and preferences get messed up.
how you guys go around it?
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Hi @Seifullah-Y-Naara0, I provide numerous streaming services - Amazon Prime, Netflix, HULU, Apple TV, Paramount+, Peacock - additionally I have all smart TVs so there are hundreds of streaming channels available - too much? These services are not so expensive but on occasion a guest wants to watch a particular football game so I'll sign up for ESPN or another service that provides these for just a month. Not sure what the general offerings are in Bolivia but most hotels provide some sort of streaming now so I try and be better than the competition. I think it comes down to costs - my rentals are expensive and streaming is a small percentage - for less costly rentals I would not expect to offer so much. I do use my personal accounts and you are right, the guests usually use the wrong profile. With so much on offer on streaming services, getting some new perspective on preferences allows me to broaden my horizons!!
Buongiorno non abbiamo servizi streaming, ma solo netflix e tv.
I only provide basic needs and enjoy tv only
I am signed in to my streaming services on my rentals however for whenever I am there but I do encourage guests to sign into their own accounts in my rules message. I have an "airbnb" account for all my streaming services if people happen to use my accounts
we dont have streaming services account, we have broadband and the guests can use their on account.
@Seifullah-Y-Naara0 I am providing spectrum cable, Roku and fire stick streaming services.
outside porch, TV streams fire stick.
Did this answer your question? If not, please let me know. Thank you so much
Hi @Seifullah-Y-Naara0, I provide numerous streaming services - Amazon Prime, Netflix, HULU, Apple TV, Paramount+, Peacock - additionally I have all smart TVs so there are hundreds of streaming channels available - too much? These services are not so expensive but on occasion a guest wants to watch a particular football game so I'll sign up for ESPN or another service that provides these for just a month. Not sure what the general offerings are in Bolivia but most hotels provide some sort of streaming now so I try and be better than the competition. I think it comes down to costs - my rentals are expensive and streaming is a small percentage - for less costly rentals I would not expect to offer so much. I do use my personal accounts and you are right, the guests usually use the wrong profile. With so much on offer on streaming services, getting some new perspective on preferences allows me to broaden my horizons!!
I have configured all my streaming services accounts on the tv in every rooms.
Not sure if your laws are the same BUT I'd imagine they are. Your own accounts are most likely licensed for personal home use, not commercial. In the USA, this is copyright infringement to use Hulu, etc for commercial purposes.
I provide over the air antenna of broadcasted unencrypted "channels" and also provide guest mode on all Smart TVs. I could provide commercial use L&I TV but that would be immensely cost prohibitive.
We don't have streaming services account, we have broadband and the guests can use their own account.
I don't provide
streaming services
We offer 2 streaming services, but have guest profiles that are marked as such, and make our private profiles PIN locked. Problem solved. I notice guests do use the guest profiles on those 2 streaming services. We don't offer netflix (mainly cause its the biggest so more likely people will want to log onto their own accounts) which they can do with our Smart TVs. Their fault if they forget to log out -some other guest might end up using their account!
no we don't but we have two smart TV's with all the streaming services and guests can sign in to their own accounts and to sign out before they leave.
Thanks @Ethan582 for sharing your experience!
Do guests ever have questions about how to use them or do you leave any instructions in the listing perhaps?
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