
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Do you host families with children?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Do you host families with children?



Hey everyone,


I’m aware that not all properties are suitable and safe for children, especially when too many stairs or sharp furniture are involved. 🙈


I’ve been following several discussions in the CC from Hosts who don’t feel their listings are accommodating to little ones, but it would also be great to hear about your experience hosting children if you have any.


Increasingly more guests have been looking for nice spots for having family gatherings and creating lovely childhood memories for their kids, which require tailored accommodations decorated with children’s safety (and why not fun) in mind. 👶 


Therefore I’d love to know: do you host families with children? What are the best practices for welcoming guests with kids?




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30 Replies 30
Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Liv we do host families with older kids as we have had some difficult experiences younger ones due to our steep, old stairs. Our property has a swing and we have a collection of toys, games and books for families. We only have a capacity of 4, so we can't accommodate large families but about 20-25% of our bookings are people with kids. Summer is the busiest time for us to host families!


Best practices: finding out if anyone has allergies or parents don't want kids to have a certain kind of treat when we leave our curated basket, providing lots of card games, puzzles and board games, having a setting on the smart TV for kids only programming that parents can access, providing insect repellant and keeping the grass well cut in the summer. And having a copy of the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" collection-- it is our most popular read for older kids (and many adults) and gets a lot of praise. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Laura2592, thanks for sharing so many great tips 🙂 

I'm impressed by your attention to detail, I'm sure both parents and kids appreciate those special touches. Have you received any cool feedback from guests that have made good use of those amenities that you'd like to share? 

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Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Liv  I do not host kids under 12 years of age (with a few limited exceptions, at my discretion, for 9 - 12 year olds).   My reasons are largely to do with the layout and contents of my space. 


Primarily, lack of childproofing e.g. outlet covers. Also, lamps on low tables with cords which could be hazardous,  a tv on a stand not bolted to the wall, etc etc. 


Also, my space is really an extension of my home - it's not designed or furnished for the particular needs of smaller children or infants.    I have a shower, no bathtub. I keep some of my extensive library in the space - many titles might not be suitable reading for younger ones. 


If I was going to design it for the particular needs of families, I'd have to start all over again - that's not a task I'm willing to take on, at this time, especially after the Covid cancellations, and the investments in amenities more suited to adult travellers. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Michelle53, I completely appreciate that not every listing is for everyone. I think being clear about what the property doesn't offer is as important as talking about what it does. This way guests can more easily find a good fit.


I know you mentioned the property would have to undergo extensive renovation in order for you to be able to safely welcome infants, but I'm curious: do you offer any special amenities for older kids? Is there anything you do differently when guests with children stay at your place?

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@Liv    I do not offer any special amenities for children of any age, and I don't do anything differently for any guest that stays with me. All guests are treated to the same experience. 


My space is best suited for folks who are in town with a purpose - visiting family or friends, or attending events such as concerts, sporting events, weddings, graduations etc etc.  They are out most of the time.   It's not comparable to a holiday home, for example, where folks spend a lot of time in the space. 


Also, since I do not have a storage room filled with items from my own kids, since I don't have any, there are no books, toys or games suitable for children.   The last guest who asked if I would accept his 9-year-old mentioned that the child was quiet and respectful, and spent most of his time playing Minecraft.  I was fine with that, since he had prior good reviews. 


Honestly, it's really a bit annoying to be continually pushed to accommodate guests that one's space is not designed to accommodate. 

Level 3
Sao Paulo, Brazil

I closed my airbnb listing this year because I sold my place and moved to another country. However, I used to receive children of all ages. I had thought about all of these things and what I used to provide is: a foldable bassinet  which you could adapt the depth (it means that it could be used for small babies like newborns or even large babies (2 or 3 years old) with all the sheets and pillows that a baby requires; a high chair that would fit at any table, so it was easy to put it away when not in use; a foldable bathtub for children (it is also convenient to have a hand shower for bigger children); resistant dishes/cups and cutterly that are specific for children as well; protection for sharp edges for tables and sockets; some books, toys, board games; we offered netflix, so it is useful to create a specific profile for children. This is what I can remember, but there may be more! 🙂

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Wow, @MariaLuiza4! It sounds like you were fully prepared to welcome infants. Would you say the majority of guests you hosted were families with children?

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Hi @Liv ,


Yes, I had thought of everything. It is worth mentioning that the place was a loft and there were elevators at the building (which makes everything easier).


I would not say most of the guests came with children, because it was a small place. But those that came with children and babies were usually very satisfied with their experience.  No one ever complained about anything related to children's gear at the loft. One thing I remember, my co-host also had specific shampoo/conditioner/soap for children which at some point we also made available at the loft.


I hope this helps. 🙂


Level 2
São Paulo, Brazil

Olá! Sim, hospedamos crianças e elas adoram!!! 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Que legal, @Carmen1699! Com certeza os pais também devem ser muito gratos pelas acomodações apropriadas para crianças. 


Caso tenha interesse, te convido a também compartilhar sua experiência na comunidade para falantes de português.




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The issue is not just will young children be safe in the home, but will your home be safe with children in it? We have had two experiences with people with children and the just don't clean after their children and seem to just let them run a muck damaging the home. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Victoria1415, thanks for sharing your point of view!

Have you stopped hosting families with children because of those issues? Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how Airbnb could improve their support to Hosts who choose to welcome kids?

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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


All my experiences with families and young children have been absolutely positive.

Once children get to the toddler stage most parents try to set a good example to them and they take that little bit more care with our property.

There are exceptions of course. I had one child who's sole intention was to strip our garden bare of any flowers she could find. The parents didn't seem inclined to stop this, so I guided the child in the direction of the rose garden and that sprung the parents into action!

But I find I have less issue with families than I do with other types of guests!






Betts and guest.png


A bit ironic that these three were all Asian....but, in the main, they are the ones who want to be photographed, particularly with Betts, the dog!



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Robin4, I love that we can always count on you to share super lovely photos 🙂

That's an interesting insight about parents trying to be positive examples and therefore being good guests. I hadn't thought of that!

Is there anything you do differently when hosting kids? Do you offer any special amenities?

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