EPC Certificate for an old building that was refurbished

EPC Certificate for an old building that was refurbished

Hi I am currently applying for a licence to air bib my outbuilding. The outbuiling is a brick built barn which has a full timber kit built inside with insulation and insulated roof panels. I had a surveyor today who says that I need to produce photographs of the work being carried out. This was done in 2006 and I no longer have photographs. Surveyor says that if i can't provide them they will rate the building as if it has no insulation. Surely this can't be right. What about all the billions of old buildings used for renting. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rae947 you really need to say which country your Airbnb is in. I am guessing Scotland as Airbnb's in most of England do not need EPCs

@Mike-And-Jane0 Hi sorry yes I am hosting in Central Scotland.


thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Rae947


Happy to read you in the community. @Mike-And-Jane0  left some really good feedback regarding your post. Where are you hosting from? With more information, it will be easier for other members to come and help you. 😉


Best wishes, 


Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom



Presumably an architect designed the conversion kit. The plans would specify what materials were to be used, including the insulation. The finished conversion would then have been approved by your council building control officer. That would prove to the surveyor that there is insulation.


You should have these documents. If the conversion was done before your ownership, the documents should have been provided to you when you purchased. If not, your solicitor/conveyancer has been remiss.


If all else fails, the internal wall chadding, plasterboard or other lining could be removed in a few small, key places to give access to the internal construction and the insulation. The surveyor ought to have told you all this. I would try a different surveyor next time.

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

@Rae947 Was my input helpful? An acknowlegment at least would be polite.