Host Canceling short reservations (1-1.5 week x 2) to accommodate one long reservation (3 months).


Host Canceling short reservations (1-1.5 week x 2) to accommodate one long reservation (3 months).

I received a request to reserve for 3 months.  In order to accommodate this, I would need to cancel two reservations (1.5 months away and 2.5 months away), each for 10 days.  I would lose two reservations for 3 weeks, but gain one reservation for 3 months.  Is it worth the money? 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ian39586 The money is irrelevant. You have a contractual arrangement with the guests that you should honour. Airbnb will rightly fine you and block the dates if you cancel. Also they will tag your account with 'the host cancelled at x days notice' so no other guests will trust you again.

Finally you need to decide if you are offering short or long term rental. The 3 months will likely create a tenancy depending on local laws- is this what you want?

View Best Answer in original post

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands


It's not fair against the two reservations.
Airbnb will block your calendar during the periods you cancelled

True.  I will honor the original reservations.  Good lesson (that I didn't have to learn the hard way), thanks to your advice.  Thank you @Bob297 .



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ian39586 The money is irrelevant. You have a contractual arrangement with the guests that you should honour. Airbnb will rightly fine you and block the dates if you cancel. Also they will tag your account with 'the host cancelled at x days notice' so no other guests will trust you again.

Finally you need to decide if you are offering short or long term rental. The 3 months will likely create a tenancy depending on local laws- is this what you want?

Sage advice.  Thank you for all of it.  You are correct, our hotel-motel ordnances do specify between short/long term - and that's not what's best for me right now.  Thanks so much @Mike-And-Jane0 !