Help me upgrade.

Level 1
Gurugram, India

Help me upgrade.

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Room in Gurugram, India 1 king bedPrivate attached bathroom Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars. 5.0 · 




[Content updated by Community Manager]

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Your description requires more than 1 line.  If I am sharing the apartment with you or other guests?  What size apartment am I sharing 2 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms?

Do you require vegetarian diet?  It appears you do but make more prominent because that can be an issue if not noticed.  Also I would make your alcohol rules more prominent.  Some people just cook with types of alcohol they just might think differently.

I notice no coffee maker if you have beliefs about caffeine usage just make aware so respected.


Beautiful space.  I just suggest from experience, if a shared house that you don't share.  Set house rules.  Makes your life easier and gives potential guests a level of order.

Common sense isn't common.  Set a quiet time but specifically add non use of shared areas at certain times so no one try's to quietly cook at 2 am. lol

No visitors or overnight guests without approval.  This protects you from liabilities and Guests feel more secure.

No sleeping in the shared Livingroom and fix your photos so it doesn't show as a sleeping area.

Speak to the check in experience.  Is someone there?  If not tell me the easy and safe process to identify my room,  how to share the refrigerator, will I have cabinet space for food and if you supply the basics oil, salt and pepper