Hot tub pricing/booking differential

Level 2
Albuquerque, NM

Hot tub pricing/booking differential

After reading the various threads on hot tubs, my tentative conclusion with an upcoming listing is to NOT make it available upon special request (and with an accompanying fee). In addition to the various hassles, we have water restrictions that would make it prohibitive to constantly drain & refill. Fortunately, I'm able to lock both the gate and the hot tub cover, making it easy to "turn off" the feature.


However, I'm tempted to try and brainstorm creative ways to make the hot tub an inclusive (non-special request) feature, but am curious if anyone has a sense of how much more they earn or how more often they book because of their hot tub. Obviously, this is a difficult question to answer, and I'm sure is location dependent (a ski chalet in Vail probably fetches more than a summer rental in Louisiana). That said, does anyone have a sense of whether they make "significantly more," etc?

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Trey79 , Were you able to find opinions elsewhere?


Please keep us posted.



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Hey Paula - thanks for the follow-up. I haven't found anything else, and I'm guessing it would just be hard for anyone to really know the answer to this unless they had multiple similar properties with and without hot tubs. Perhaps if someone didn't have one then added one, and noticed any differences.