House Cleaners

Level 2
Gettysburg, PA

House Cleaners



AirBnb website has a resource where you can schedule someone to clean your house.  I can't seem to find it.


Does anyone know where this is located on the website?




Top Answer
Level 9
Chicago, IL


You can also check out Thumbtack, you can hire cleaners from there. It's easy to also pick from the various pricing options so you're not stuck with one high pricing person. 

View Top Answer in original post

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Greenville, SC

There used to be a page on Airbnb that listed “partners” for auxiliary businesses, but I don’t know if it exists anymore. There is a website called TurnoverBnB, where you can hire cleaners. Maybe that’s what you have seen. @Lisa6669 

Thanks for this information!

Level 9
Chicago, IL


You can also check out Thumbtack, you can hire cleaners from there. It's easy to also pick from the various pricing options so you're not stuck with one high pricing person. 

Thank you!! @Gifty5