Infants allowed but children not! despite my settings!

Infants allowed but children not! despite my settings!

I've set up a new listing on airbnb. I checked X for infants (under 2) but YES for children  ages 2-12.
However, when I preview the listing, infants, as many as 5! are allowed, but children not at all!

I've tried redoing it, renewing my browser, even deleting my browsing history.
I don't know how to correct this!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
California, United States

I'm pretty sure that the settings are only "not safe for" XYZ (which limits your liability, which is great).  However, there is no way to discriminate to guests based on age.  So I think your hands are tied related to which inquiries guests can make related to the age of guests staying.  You can, of course, deny them.


I might not be correct on this!  


But I put an "X" for all my listings on all children, infants, etc.  50% of our bookings are families with little kids so I'm certain that it certainly doesn't deter folks from ultimately booking.  

But I checked "suitable for children 2-12"

and they are blocked!

While I checked "unsuitable for infants"

And they are allowed!

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Children  are counted as guests. Your listings allows children upto max. amount of guests (at least 1 adult must be in the booking form).


Oh duh!

You are correct!

I tested it.

I had had the limit for adults, hence children blocked.

(But 5 infants: good to go!)
