Number of beds

Level 2
Delhi, NY

Number of beds

I am just getting setup with the upstairs in my home, 2 bedrooms with one shared bath. I am going to purchase a queen size bed and have a full size in the smaller bedroom. Should I put a twin size in the smaller bedroom or keep the desk in it for people that might be working remotely?

Top Answer
Level 10
Greenville, SC

It depends who you feel your clientele are likely to be. If you are marketing with a focus on remote workers, and feel that a good number of remote workers will stay at your place, a desk might make more sense. It also matters what other flat surfaces you have in the home - i.e. part of the kitchen or dining room table might suffice as a work area. It also matters if you can put a desk somewhere else.


If you are marketing and appealing to families, another bed might make more sense, to cater to a couple with 2 kids, a couple and 2 of their friends, etc.


I would think, as a general scenario, remote workers are likely to book 1-bedrooms or studios. Families look for 2-bedrooms, in which case another bed would be more suitable.

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3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Karen3664 I vote to keep the desk ideally with an internet connection from it to the router as some people can't use wifi for security reasons.

Level 10
Greenville, SC

It depends who you feel your clientele are likely to be. If you are marketing with a focus on remote workers, and feel that a good number of remote workers will stay at your place, a desk might make more sense. It also matters what other flat surfaces you have in the home - i.e. part of the kitchen or dining room table might suffice as a work area. It also matters if you can put a desk somewhere else.


If you are marketing and appealing to families, another bed might make more sense, to cater to a couple with 2 kids, a couple and 2 of their friends, etc.


I would think, as a general scenario, remote workers are likely to book 1-bedrooms or studios. Families look for 2-bedrooms, in which case another bed would be more suitable.

Thank you, great info. I am not sure which type of client I am more likely to attract. I guess I could try keeping the desk and if I am not getting results go to plan B with 2 beds and no desk.