Owner in separate building on property

Level 2
West Palm Beach, FL

Owner in separate building on property

We have a small guest cottage at the rear of our property. We’d like to use it periodically especially because the house is usually booked on weekends. Do you think this would bother anybody? It would make the backyard a shared

space but the yard is quite large and I’ve fenced off the cottage. I’d appreciate anyone’s thoughts. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It will put some off. Some guests won't mind.


just make it clear up front in your listing. @Sara7722 

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Sara7722 , I have the exact opposite. Our listing sits behind our primary residence. It does not share walls with our home and is only connected by a breezeway. Have not had any issue or complaints from our guest(s). It is clearly stated in our listing that we are on site but give our guest(s) privacy.  We also share a backyard with our guest(s) and occasionally run into our guest(s) every so often.


Those that may have an issue with you being on site probably won’t book and others won’t give it a second thought.

