Accepting pets is a business decision. You do incur additional cleaning because pets just shed.
If you have chickens on the property that can be concerning because most people don't truly know how their dog will react to a chicken not usual exposure. A tall fence does offer some safety but some dogs know how to climb a chain link fence or are diggers. A digger might just let your chickens loose. If you may have a dog unsupervised with live chickens the best scenario would be to not allow up close interaction. If the chickens are in a secure pen, then limit access by maybe fencing off a large section of yard around the pen. You may still have a dog that scales your fence but most dogs won't bother if not readily accessible. They find something else to do. Like when you put the plastic lid on the trash can to keep the dog out, most dogs could easily get under a plastic lid but don't because they aren't being tempted by the sight of the trash.