@Rose1610 Generally not, because those photos didn't just take themselves. A random picture you found on the internet is likely to be someone else's intellectual property, and for Airbnb to host it on their platform without permission would be copyright infringement - therefore a violation of their Content Policy.
Here is some guidance on how to find photos that are free to use: https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2013/08/16/how-to-find-free-images-with-googles-advanced-image-sea...
And of course, you can also take your own photos of nearby attractions. But I still recommend keeping them to a minimum, not featuring them too prominently in your photo album, and being sure to clarify in your caption how far the attractions are from your property. You wouldn't want to get a complaint about Accuracy from a guest who felt misled into thinking your listing was closer to - or more closely associated with - any given point of interest than it genuinely is.