I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The hou...
I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The house sleeps 10.what models do you guys recommend? I understand some...
Some friends and I were annoyed with how much time and effort it took to schedule cleaners for turnovers. Having a software background, we ended up writing some code for ourselves that syncs our ABB and VRBO calendars and automatically schedules our cleaners.
We decided to release our platform to the public for free, so anyone's welcome to use it - Turno.com
@Harriet5It's not MY app. It's @Tim209's app. And I think it's really cool. Like you, I do all my own cleaning, because I can't find anyone who can do what I do, and be at the beck and call of an app. But apparently Tim's got it down. We just mash the buttons, and have another cup of coffee. I love it. Nothing to do but mash the button, relax, and watch that money flowing in. Gawd I love technology. How did we EVER get anything done before apps were invented?
Me? I wann'a be a Button Pushing Cowboy, pressing B-17 again and again.
@Harriet5 You know, we've had luck finding cleaners doing a job posting at the local college - students usually have pretty flexible schedules. Otherwise, I'd be happy to check and see if there are any cleaners in your area on our system and I could try to link you up. Let me know,
I don't think of students as very reliable. I have used them for other jobs and they seemed eager to get finished and get out. I need someone more mature who wants the job. The pay is good. If you would check your system, that would be great! I also posted in the local neighborhood online group so that might help.
Zip code is 98136, which gives you my general area.
Thank you,
@Harriet5 Yeah, we do have some cleaners on our system in the Seattle area. If you sign up, I can get your email and can try to link you up with one of them via email. I'm actually travelling currently, so give me 24 hours to make it happen.
Turnoverbnb is stealing my vetted maids, offering them to other hosts and taking a cut for themselves. Yet they are offering me nothing in exchange. I have worked hard training my maids and they are trying to steal them and monopolize their time leaving me with no maids for my property. Shame on you turnoverbnb
@Paul1787 Hey Paul, service providers who are invited by hosts to TurnoverBnB can join our marketplace if they want to, but they certainly aren’t required to join and most don’t. A lot of cleaners have extra time in their schedule and can potentially pick up some extra work on TurnoverBnB to supplement their income. We strive to be a tool the empowers both hosts and service providers to excel at what they do and try to give them every opportunity to succeed.
Then the referral fee should go to who? I invited them, right? I have trained them, vetted them and now I’m even being asked to act as a reference. Don’t act like Turnoverbnb is their referral. And don’t STEAL a fee for my efforts. I pay for the subpar TurnoverBNB app so my information should be held in confidence and I should be asked if I want to loan my workforce out. And I should definitely be getting paid to do so.
I guess you have nothing to say about stealing the referral fee.
Ain't free anymore 🙂
Hey there @Az2 , we did recently change our pricing structure this month, but it is still free to use with your existing cleaners for your first property! For hosts with 2 or more properties, it's $6 or $8 a month per property depending on if you choose monthly or annual billing. The additional revenue is going to help us build exciting new features!
Tim, prices are unreasonable for property managers. I personally do not make profit on some properties from time to time when I pay owner... There is no options according amount of properties. It would be lovely if you guys would change that.
I just stumbled upon this while looking for a better solution to scheduling my cleaner. I was quite intrigued as it seems like a great solution. However after signing up and having a look around I'm more hesitant. I only have 2 property so $6 a month isn't a dealbreaker, however if I had 3 more more, it probably would be as the price doubles for every property. I was excited about the thought of automating my cleaners payments, but the card processing fees are a stopper for me, I'm already set up on paypal and really like using that system. It would be nice if paypal could be used for payments. Besides I would need to apply for a new credit card to keep my expenses separate.
And then I downloaded the phone app 😞 My disappointment skyrocketed. There really needs to be some serious updates to the app, I do 90% of my work on my phone and my cleaner only uses a phone. The calendar view is horrible... I don't even use iphone calendar as I can't see anything in the month view and this calendar looks exactly like it. I consider a clear month calendar view the most important.
I'll keep an eye on it, but not convinced it's something I'm willing to pay for yet. If I have to go to a computer for full featured...
Hey @Rebecca2, we appreciate the feedback. We do have a month view on the mobile apps, but we had to balance a solution for hosts that have one property to hosts that have 200+ properties. It's a balancing act because screen size is limited compared to a computer.
Our web app is responsive on mobile devices, so if you prefer the webapp versus our mobile app, you can use the webapp through your mobile browser.
In any case, we do really appreciate the feedback as we're always trying to get better. If you'd like to schedule a demo of the system, you can do so on the website and we'd be happy to show you the ins and outs of the system and help you onboard your cleaner.