Search for cleaning services

Level 1
Pattaya City, Thailand

Search for cleaning services

I would like to know the teams that can provide cleaning services in Pattaya, what their service content and fees are?

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Sam7768


Welcome to the community! I see you started hosting only a few months ago, how has it been going so far?


As the community center is a global space, perhaps it might be worth connecting with other hosts locally through our Host Clubs if there are any in your area for their recommendations. You can find a local Host Club here 👉 Local Host Clubs


I hope this helps! 😊




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Pattaya City, Thailand

Everything is going smoothly so far. I became an amazing landlord in October, and I just hope to find a better cleaning team to work with in Pattaya for the long term! What shall I do?