Sharing information

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Sharing information

I wondered what the advantage for me would be when i choose in my listing the first option "listing and booking details"

(see screenshot):.

BTW with current setting i feel there is now advantage. In previous days sometimes messages were recieved "guest booked a place at....", giving me the impression i missed out on a potential booking (But sometimes that specific guest had just booked one of my other rooms, so it was nonsense)




7 Replies 7

@Emiel1  In the past, this feature was used to pressure hosts to lower their prices. Never have I gotten a notification that someone viewed my listing but ultimately booked somewhere that cost more, even though of course that certainly happens all the time. You can't trust that Airbnb isn't manipulating the data it displays to hosts with features like this.


What advantages might it have? Well, if you're genuinely unsure about how to price and what amenities to offer to remain competitive, I guess it can give you some inspiration. But how much can you really extrapolate from the fact that someone clicked your listing and booked a different one? What changes would you make based on the resultant speculation?

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Emiel1 @Anonymous 


I opted into this a couple of years ago— with exactly zero observable result.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Emiel1 As @Lisa723 we used to have this enabled and got zero feedback. Recently we've switched it off as I don't think it works.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The second option, "Booking details" it was my choice long time ago.

I do not want that competitors see my listings and its prices by using that feature.

I am considering to change it for "None".

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

I have never seen this before. Where do you find it? 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


When managing a listing, choose menu "pricing and availibility" and scroll down to the bottom, section called "sharing settings".(i am using the website)

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



I don't have it in the app. I'll try it using the web interface. Thanks.