Should I add Washing machine charges?

Should I add Washing machine charges?

I'm interested in finding out how many other hosts out there charge for washing machine usage if it's not an amenity you offer as part of your room fee?

31 Replies 31

we ask for a donation to cover electricity and consumables. Most grown ups know what it costs to run a washer dryer 

Most of our guests have been hikers on the local coastal path, or bikers, hikers and bikers gear is usually designed to dry fast, specially base layers, and easy hand wash too.  So it's usually just a bit of drying if it's been a wet day so they can set off tomorrow dry and warm.

If a guest is stopping a few days we won't charge fir the washer or dryer. 

I appreciate that this is not businesslike, but we are quite happy that guests are quite generous when they donate. £3 to £5 for a wash/dry seems what they are happy with.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I charges £6 per load