Summer release cover photo

Level 4
United States

Summer release cover photo

I noticed my cover photo has been changed as part of this release (when searching for my property as a guest) despite a different photo selected as the cover photo in my listing when viewing it as the host. I am not happy with the photo selected and am not able to change it back. Has anyone else had this happen?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Matta1   Mine has not changed, however I do understand that at some point we will be able to change our categories etc. (although I can’t recall where I read that)  Also I have no idea when so perhaps someone else here has a better idea of that?  I would guess that at that point you will be able to tweak your photos to suit yourself.  Given that it is such a huge change to the platform it is understandable that there will be some initial issues that will need resolving and I, like you, hope that it will be sooner rather than later.

Level 10
Moreton, United Kingdom

@Matta1   I think the photo changes when you enter one of the new categories.  I can find mine (eventually) if I search the area and it is the correct photo and heading, but when I click on countryside it comes up with a photo with a view and a different heading.  I am not happy with this either as I think hosts know what photo is best to advertise their own property.  

Level 2
Haworth, United Kingdom

Same problem, airbnb have auto selected a photo that I would not have chosen as a cover photo.  Even though I select an alternative photo is does not change.  Very annoying update!