UK Wholesale Towels, Bedding and tea coffee etc

Level 2
Haxby, United Kingdom

UK Wholesale Towels, Bedding and tea coffee etc

Hi everyone 

I've just set up my air b&b and looking to buy some more towels and bedding to help manage the turn around between the bookings. I also want to bulk buy coffee, tea and sugar sachets and other bits and bobs for arrival.


Wondered if anyone in the UK has recommended websites I could use to bulk buy some of these things?


I don't live near a Costco and I can't get a bookers card but looking for something like that which will save me penny's. Thanks so much in advance!! 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Personally I don't go for budget items when buying towels/bedding and tea/coffees etc 


Buy good quality ones linens and towels as they will last longer.


I don't buy individual sachets as they are awful for the environment. I decant quality coffees, teas and sugars from larger packs into smaller jars for guest use @Laura6414 


You can of course offset the costs of these purchases against your taxes.