Unable to update incorrect STR license number displayed on my listing

Level 2
Denver, CO

Unable to update incorrect STR license number displayed on my listing

I've been hosting one Airbnb listing for 3+ years without issue and am a SuperHost. When we had our annual license renewed this year, I updated the license number from 2020... to 2022..., in error as the license number actually never changes. That happened in February, and all was well until this month, when all of a sudden our listing was blocked from accepting short-term rentals. I cannot update the license number to the correct one on our listing - the place on the Airbnb website where you would normally do so instead says that I must contact the city where I live to resolve it as they have blocked my listing. I did so, and they confirmed both that they never blocked anything and that our license is value until next February. I've already contacted Airbnb multiples times and the issue was escalated over a week ago, but still not resolved to date.


Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm unable to accept new bookings, so losing a lot of revenue during our best time of the year and other than creating a listing on Vrbo I'm really at a loss. Would really appreciate any suggestions that others have for what I can do.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Benjamin760 I guess you could duplicate the listing on Airbnb and edit that with the correct licence number. If this works you could explain in the listing why you have done this so that people can look at the reviews on your profile. 

Clearly not an ideal situation but it might work!

Thanks for the suggestion! Much appreciated! will try this out.