Weird requests

Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Weird requests

Hi all, this is just a fun thread but I received a really odd message a few hours ago. 

Of course, I declined the guest but I think this must rank in one of the more wackier things I’ve had to deal with. 😂😂


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Top Answer
Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

I LOVE your blue bathroom @Neil408 !! 


I also hate cream/magnolia! - boring! - I've perused your listing before when you posted & think your whole place is GORGEOUS! Particularly the shade of blue in the other rooms.....


I even like your bathroom blue! - In the old photo of it being white/cream/ it looks drab & cold & boring! BLUE IS A GREAT IMPROVEMENT!!!!! (I guess a slight problem is the  old beige tiles, SO popular 10-20 yrs ago.... - Your lovely blue would go better with white tiles, whereas beige tiles  don't lend themselves to complimenting colours... except maybe sage, or red if you're being bold!


You home share... So, YOUR HOME, your taste in colours! Guests have NO BUSINESS finding fault with your colour scheme; it's YOUR home, not a hotel! - (If I was painting an 'entire place' for guests only, I'd paint the colours I thought MOST guests would like - the ghastly ubiquitous grey these days! But, Your HOME = Your colour choice!)



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94 Replies 94
Level 10
Jersey City, NJ


@Neil408  LOL, that is less bad, but I'm on team cream, if not cream something like a mocha or white or even a rust color would be a better match for the beautiful cream tiles.  But to each his own:)

Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

I think a mocha colour might actually be alright 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Neil408 Hilarious! And a matte mocha for me but still it’s your space. Otherwise, I would completely tile up the entire bathroom wall. 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Neil408  Matte mocha is very on trend right now. Could look sophisticated.


Not sure it would be easy to find a blue to go with the cream tiles. At the moment, they clash. A warm colour would definitely be better. @Helen350 's suggestion of a sage green might work.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Neil408 - Based on our collective wisdom, Mocha, Rust, Salmon, & Sage stripes would go.... (And orange? - Well, all these colours compliment each other ... and the tiles! - Autumn colours!)

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Hilarious inquiry, @Neil408 ! 

I have the most hideous homemade blankets in my listing and have been waiting for a guest to ask for something that doesn't induce nightmares. None have (yet). 

Absolutely not weighing in on the bathroom colour. My 'bathroom' isn't painted, but I'm thinking of going boring white. 🙂

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Helen3 & @Ann72 Good info on bathroom; by coincidence we about to redo ours and this thread has been enlightening. Right now they are both beige; yuk, dull, dingy. @Lawrence0, there are supposedly 80 shades of 'white', they can't all be boring. 🙂

@Fred13  There are indeed some wonderful whites!  The key is to find the one that works with the light and other factors in the space.


We need to start another thread on "Interests" where we post the rooms we want to work on and get everyone's opinion.  Given the strong personalities around here, it would certainly not be dull.


You and @Lawrene0 can go first.  🙂

Wonderful idea @Ann72 , 'Interests & Projects' - imagine the scenarios that would come up and the help we could get from one another. 



@Fred13  So fun!  I know you've been working on your house so you've got to have mad skills.


I was SUPER proud the other day when I changed some lightbulbs in my apartment.  The building has always made me think the guys have to come up and do it lol.

There is an actual discussion room called "Interests," though - here it is 🙂

Got cha. Btw, there used to be a most fun subject in all the schools when I went to school. Called 'Shop', everyone had to take it, taught boys & girls all about home implements, electricity, etc. Was a very popular subject, everyone loved it. No idea if it even exists any longer or went the way of the dinosaurs that also lived at that time.

@Fred13  Well, when I went to school, back around the age of the dinosaurs, "shop" was what the boys took and "home ec" was what the girls took. The boys had the choice of metalwork or woodwork or auto mechanics, and the girls could take sewing or cooking. Getting us all ready for what would, of course, be our pre-determined roles in life.


I remember I really wanted to take auto mechanics, but I couldn't because I didn't have the right sexual equipment. 


But they must have changed something by the time I got to my senior year in high school, because I remember taking metalwork.


By the time my daughters went to school, there was no gender discrimination as far as who could take what electives. 

@Sarah977 Not in my school (in NY), the girls were taking metalwork and even auto mechanics, just to know how they run. It was one of the popular things in school,  we even re-build our own cars.

Same, @Sarah977 . I wanted woodworking, but had to take home ec and learn to broil green tomatoes and sew burgundy corduroy overalls. Handy life skills.

I wonder which of the 80 shades of white will work in the outhouse, @Fred13 . There is one called "snowbound" that will depress the heck out of me, so maybe not that one.

I guess it is a question for "Interests"!

Fun, @Ann72 !

Where I grew up in Sweden it was compulsory to do one semester wood and metal, alternating with one semester textiles from grade 3. Everyone had to do it regardless of gender.