What's the Biggest Challenge for Airbnb Hosts? Cleaning or Something Else?

What's the Biggest Challenge for Airbnb Hosts? Cleaning or Something Else?

Hello everybody,


I'm Alex, a relatively new Airbnb host with 2 Units. 


Setting up my properties for the past 5 months has been a very interesting journey with lots of problems I didn't even consider were issues before getting started. 


However, one of the biggest challenges we've faced seems to go back to cleaning. It's always on my mind as it's something that is critical to the success of my properties. It needs to be done right, it needs to be done on time and it's always an expense. 


My wife and I have gone through a journey on cleaning. We started out doing it ourselves, then we found cleaning services to help out and actually had to switch a few times. 


I'm curious to know if others have found cleaning to be their primary headache, or if there are other challenges that you consider even more daunting in the hosting game. Here are some thoughts I have:


  • Supply Management: Keeping up with linens, toiletries, and other essentials.
  • Guest Communication: Managing expectations and handling last-minute changes.
  • Pricing and Occupancy: Finding the right balance to maximize revenue.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating local laws and regulations for short-term rentals.
What do you think? Is there something else that trumps cleaning in the list of hosting woes? I'd love to hear your experiences and insights.


Thank you! 

2 Replies 2

Hi @Alex12990,


Yes, cleaning can be a bit of a system that you will need to perfect. It does get easier and easier and I have a couple of recommendations for you:


Maybe you are already utilizing some of these hacks but if not here or a few:


1. Have a stash of Linens already ready to go between bookings.

2. Keep your place minimal and don't have a lot of items that require dusting and wiping and items that people move and put in different locations.

3. Keep an area in the Airbnb where you have all of your cleaning supplies locked away so that when it is time to clean you can easily access them.


Let me know if any of this helps and stick with it. You will get better and better and you will develop systems that work better and better each time.

Hi Michelle! 


This is some great feedback! I do have a couple of set of linens prepped as backup for emergencies, as well as a storage closet for consumables. 


I really hadn't considered the minimal approach, that's actually a great point! 


I'm not sure if it's my Washer / Drier, but I think the washing of the linens takes a long time...


Do you generally block out nights for cleaning? There is an option to block out the night before and after a guest. I kind of don't want to use it, but I've had to do it a number of times. Wondering if it's common practice.