
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

What would you consider kitchen essentials in your listing?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

What would you consider kitchen essentials in your listing?


Hi everyone,

When it comes to creating a fantastic Airbnb experience for your guests, a well-equipped kitchen is important. Remember, the key is to create a comfortable and convenient space where guests can prepare and enjoy their meals. By providing these kitchen essentials, you can enhance the overall experience for your guests 😊

Having basic appliances like a refrigerator, stove, oven, and microwave allow your guests to store and prepare their meals conveniently  🥘

Additionally you can include cooking essentials such as salt, pepper, cooking oil, and commonly used spices. This will save your guests from having to buy these items for short stays  🙌🏽

You can even go the extra mile and have set up a tea or coffee station for guests who need their caffeine fix 

What cookware, dinnerware, utensils and appliances do you include in your listing? Do you stock up on any basic food items for guests? Is there anything you do which your guests really appreciate? Share your thoughts and recommendations below in the comments 👇🏽



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45 Replies 45

Hi, you can't miss a microwave, stove and a good freezer.

Ciao, ho tutto il necessario per preparare i pasti.

la cucina è dotata di forno, forno microonde, piano cottura, frigorifero, congelatore, lavastoviglie, macchina per il caffè, tostapane, bollitore,. Piatti,bicchieri, posate, coltelli per la cucina, pentole e padelle, ciotole, tazze e tazzine, tagliere, grattugia

Inoltre c’è: olio, sale, aceto, zucchero, cialde per il caffè .

Io fornisco anche spugna , lavapiatti, detersivo per lavastoviglie, strofinacci per la cucina

Level 2
Skopje, North Macedonia

Hi Sophia,

For me, basic kitchen utensils is a bit of a broad explanation.

The kitchen should be equipped with a stove, oven,microwave and coffe masine. Likewise, a sufficient number of utensils, plates, cups, pots, as well as, of course, detergent and a new sponge. It would be nice if there were various accessories such as a colander, grater, wine glasses... I had one guest who was delighted with how our kitchen was equipped, so it left a strong impression on me, so I decorated the next apartment in the same way.

Buongiorno, la cucina è attrezzata di tutto riguardo con pentole, piatti, posate, vassoi, portafrutta, forno elettrico da 90 cm, forno a microonde, lavastoviglie e detersivi sia per cucina che per lavastoviglie e lavatrice, frigo, piano cottura 5 fuochi, strofinacci e tovaglie da tavola, tavolo allungabile, gli ospiti trovano tutti gli ingredienti per cucinare tipo spezie-olio-sale-caffè con macchina da caffè-scolapasta-tazze da latte e da caffè- bicchieri da vino e acqua-vassoi varie dimensioni-insalatiera-aceto-vino-tovaglioli

Level 1
Lincoln, NE

Pots, pans, baking sheets, casserole dishes, containers for leftovers, all types of cooking implements like slotted spoons, mixing spoons, spatulas, dinner and dessert plates, soup bowls, pasta bowls, cereal/salad bowls, tall and short tumblers, plastic of the same variety for outside dining, blender, microwave.  Guests will comment on appreciating a fully stocked kitchen.

Olá Sofia! Boa noite!

Aqui onde moro,  no Sul do Brasil, além de todos os utensílios para cozinha como panelas, caçarolas, pratos, talheres, copos, xícaras e todos os eletrodomésticos, ainda precisamos algo a mais que são os Utensílios para Churrasco. E existe uma infinidade, como facas especiais para carne, espetos, grelhas, tábuas de madeira ou bambu, gamelas  entre outras coisas. Por aqui temos duas tradições muito fortes Churrasco e o Chimarrão, que é uma bebida típica. Então além do básico precisamos ter mais estes em nossas cozinhas. 




Level 2
Houston, TX


I have a fully functional Kitchen, including necessary pots & pans, knives, spoons, forks,  with two Gas Cylinders ( one as Standby), a  Fridge, Micro wave, Mixer Grinder, Toaster, Rice Cooker, Dish Washer, coffee cups etc. Rest can be brought fresh from the Market ( 1 km ) or can be ordered thru the part-time  caretaker.

Level 1
Albuquerque, NM

Can opener, cups, bowls, silverware, Keurig, coffee, sugar, creamer, salt, pepper, fridge, water, napkins, 

Level 2
Littleton, CO

All great comments and recommendations.  Our guests love our electric teapot for heating water or making tea. 

Level 2
Providence, RI

Not really a kitchen essentials but "essential in the kitchen"

a. clean filters in the stove exhausts — whether your stove has exhausts that vent directly to the outside or recirculates filtered air internally, the filters trap grease and dirt. In some cases these filters are just inches away from the top of cookware. The heat from the uncovered pot or pan can easily melt the built up grease/dirt combo and drop into whatever one is cooking (and most likely when one is not paying attention to what is on the stovetop.) As a guest, I've found dirty filters to be the case for ALL places I have stayed where I used the kitchen. The solution: regular cleaning and/or replacement. Many filters are made with metal and are meant to be washed in ordinary soap and water. Infrequent washing creates a buildup of grease/dirt combo and makes removing it more difficult. Some of these filters can also be washed in the washing machine. 

b. clean horizontal surfaces above eye level — these include tops of the refrigerator; tops of  above-stove mounted microwaves. (The tops of these microwaves often are the exit point for stove exhaust and also tend to have build-up of grease and dust; top of exhaust fans; and top of cabinets (especially kitchen cabinetry that have a space between the tops of the cabinets and the ceiling. These surfaces need more attention as they tend to have not just dust but else grease and odors. Again, nothing complicated — just regular cleaning: dusting, wiping down with soap and water, and probably some degreaser to cut through the grease.

knives, Spoon, Falks and dishes, pot and bowl for cooking in electric stove

refrigerator are always full with 2 water bottles, tea, coffee and sugar as well

Very glad I read this post and its comments as I realize we need to add some items to our shopping list for the kitchen! Thanks all.

Level 2
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

un juego de sartenes, platos, vasos, cubiertos para 4 personas, servilletas, trapos para limpiar y garrafón de agua, les gusta encontrar un garrafón de agua para tomar, me lo hacen saber en persona pero no es punto para la reseña

IF you offer a fully stocked kitchen, then it must be so. Everything that the hosts mentioned below.

The must haves' are cooking oil, salt, pepper, tea/basic coffee and bread/chopping boards and enough wine glasses. I'm super annoyed when i go into an airbnb and they have everything re crockery, appliances, cutlery, mugs and i have to goto the supermarket post my checkin for stuff that I assume is provided like oil or a chopping board. It's why i go for super hosts only as they usually do provide this stuff.


The optionals are the gift baskets, the extra food staples etc. I provide for one of my listings where the offer is all inclusive and they are paying big dollars and they love the guest basket, but my other listing (where they book only half of the same house for a bare bones rate, they get nothing extra and i still get 5 stars).  So its expectation management and price the guests are paying that drives what you supply.