
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Which of these amenities do you offer?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Which of these amenities do you offer?

Hi everyone, 


Making sure your listing’s amenities list is up-to-date is a great way to ensure guests know what to expect when booking a stay in your home. Airbnb has recently added 40+ new amenities you can now highlight on your listing, and what better way is there to look more closely at this improvement than with a round of bingo? 


We’ve put below some of these new amenities, along with a few of the most popular ones. How many of these do you cross off in your listings? If anyone has a full line, or a full house, please do shout BINGO in the comments!




If you think of any other amenities in your listing that you wish were added to the platform (and the bingo card!), let us know 😃 .







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76 Replies 76

Ah @Michelle53 , that goes back to what people are educated about in their own homes growing up, doesn't it?
Maybe we need to work on our Education systems world-wide - Bring Back Wombles books to children's Reading matter at school perhaps?

It's amazing how different nationalities vary with knowledge about Litter and Rubbish in general terms.

Some have overflowing wheelie bins here in NZ EVERY week, and some of us barely fill a small bag with Rubbish every couple of months because of how we are educated about our daily habits..


Whilst to some it's commonsense others may need educating just where that rubbish/ trash goes to after they dump it in their bins, or on the streets...Much is focused on separation of rubbish BUT very little where it goes to after that...the later needs to be included in Education systems world-wide from primary school..

Level 4
New South Wales, Australia

@Helen427 We had a state of the art recycle system where our council took our garbage. It was separated 3 times then fast fermented and made into compost in 70 hours. They shut it down, don't know why. Now even the recycle stuff just goes to the tip.  It was the same in NY when i lived there. Theres so much recycle they can't cope with it all anymore. 

@Michelle2137, we might need to start a new conversation topic on that one !!

I'm sure many in here can help solve it.


Awesome setting you have in New South Wales and fabulous photography, love the Camels on the beach, have you seen @Essaouira-Beachlife-Moro0  listing, you both have a gorgeous common link??

ABB should do a common bond promotion.


@Stephanie @Quincy @Nick @Liv @Anna @May @Francesca @Noriko 

Level 4
New South Wales, Australia

Thank you so much Helen @Helen427 i am so lucky Mum and Dad bought here in 1983 and when I came back from the States after 36 years of traveling to sell  I said no… I’m staying ! Haven't looked back since. I will check out the others you’ve mentioned and forgive me I’m very slow on the mobile now that my computer crashed :()()

@Helen427  actually, on request, the city provides residents with a compost bin, and we have one on the property.   

The city even provided a large laminated card that I've displayed on the refrigerator to show guests precisely what can be placed in the compost bin, but more importantly, what should not be placed in the compost collection bin.  It never fails, I find recyclable  ♻️ items in the compost bin and food in the trash bin, lol!   What's even stranger... when guest's open the lid on the collection bin, that same info is on the inside cover!


I encourage our guest's to use the compost bin, primarily because many guests wrongly believe almost anything can be put down the disposal.  I've even put a label above the sink that reads "Dispose only small amounts at a time of cooked food scraps  in disposal." 

I've had to unclog that sink several times when guest's fill the disposal with potato or fruit skins or celery, ugh!  It can handle skins a little at a time, but celery stalks will just wrap around the blades until the motor seizes up or burns out. 

Try as I may, I still can't fix stupid!  LOL!


Frank J Nicholson

Oh @Frank1381 ,


Maybe you need to disconnect it so it's unable to be operated and change your sinkhole system?

Include a Diagram of where Waste (and unnecessary Water use) goes to after it goes down the plug hole...some may need that Education lesson to understand and appreciate why we have the issues with current Waste and Water Pneumatic systems that have been created over the years from that of Mother Earth originality...


Do Americans not wash vegetables and leave the skin on and eat it?

I gave up peeling vegetables when I had a hand injury years ago and was unable to use my hand as I'd become accustomed to doing and haven't looked back in giving up that added task.. besides as a child I was given the chore of peeling potatoes for a large family so I have a bit of a dislike one could say to undertake that task!

Some fruit skins I can agree with though not eating, however all mine go in a container which I then dig a hole in my garden to decompose, yes that includes Orange, Mandarin, Lemon, Lime and Grapefruit skins and yes I have a Garden full of worms who eat their way through them which throws the Baby out with the Bath Water that worms don't eat Citrus.


Tell me, In America,  do they cut off all the leaves on Celery, Broccoli, Cauliflower and the likes before you purchase it?


It annoys me to no end they do that here to Broccoli & Cauliflower as they have nutritional value, Broccoli stalks are great in salads and quite Peppery in taste. 


Fortunately they let us have most of the Celery leaves which are also great in Salads, Soups and as I found out this week delicious in Juices mixed with Banana, Kiwifruit and Lime!!


All the Best with those Celery Stalks, perhaps it's timely to get a Pet Rabbit 🙂




Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

That's a lovely place you have there @Frank1381



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Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Quincy, Agree 100% re @Frank1381 home.

Maybe we could have a feature on Victorian Homes period??

@Frank1381  , you have a story to share in relation to many features in your home from who designed and installed the door knocker to the beautiful blue paint in your bathroom @Huma0 

@Quincy  thank you!

I'm the property manager, co-host, and housekeeper for the out-of-state owner/host, so I can only take credit for the immaculately clean home I present to guest's.   

I take tremendous pride in my work, which is evidenced by our 4.98 Superhost rating - we got dinged one star on location when a guest insisted "this house should have been on the other side of the street!"  Hmmm!

Another time, a guest removed a star for cleanliness, after finding a candy wrapper under a bathroom cabinet  - the same candy wrappers I found under the bed that her teenage daughter slept in!

Sometimes we just can't win, lol!

Frank J Nicholson
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Bingo!  I have most of the amenities, except baby gates and exercise equipment.  One other thing I add is a cozy, terry cloth robe.  Most guests appreciate the robes as they don't have to pack one .  That said, i don't think most guests read closely unless something specific is important.  A robe is not a search item but wifi is.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Nice one @Linda108 👏👏



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Quincy like the bingo side of Airbnb I made a the last line down with 4 items missing  @Helen427 I like your saying of its not what the home looks like or whats inside, but the person inside the home counts. This to me with Airbnb, it is the host and how they meet and greet there guest. I feel, the first impression goes towards a good relationship.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Laurelle3, this is a very important point, indeed! Thank you for sharing this 🙂


Aside from the above, did you recognize any amenities that you provide? 



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Quincy I didn't have blender but do have a hand held electric beater, no child gaye, no fire inside but have reverse aconditioning in open living area and both bedrooms, and no hammock. I have all the others.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

I scored a bingo on second and last columns. Fireplace was a top amenity, but we had to remove access due to too many mishaps. Hammock and exercise equipment somehow whispers ‘liability potential’ to me. No need for baby gate.