close a old listing

close a old listing

Ho do I close an old listing of my old home that I don't live there anymore?

1 Reply 1

@Jimmy-C-F0  Does anyone read the Help articles anymore?


Permanently deactivate your listing

To permanently deactivate your listing:

  1. Go to Your listings on and select the listing
  2. Choose the listing you want to update by clicking on the listing name or clicking the three dots icon 


  3. Click Edit
  4. On the listing page, scroll down to Listing status and click Edit
  5. On the Listing status page, click on Change Status and choose Deactivate from the dropdown menu
  6. Follow the instructions to deactivate your listing

You won't be able to permanently deactivate your listing if you have any upcoming reservations or reservation requests. Past reviews of your listing will remain on your public profile—they cannot be removed.