Hey Elisa & y'all, a quick update: well first, of those three links in your post (shows as Top Post for my original post), the first two don't work. Meanwhile, I've become a member with Airhostswap (AHS), and have enjoyed our first/ only exchange.
My challenge: now that I've paid my annual membership with AHS, I am reluctant to join another paid swap platform or group...and I'm not getting much bang for my buck on AHS. My problem is that I wished to use a swap system to help with lodging costs while making multiple visits to New Orleans, that a re necessary as we are house shopping there in order to move back to NOLA. I've lived most of my life in NO, but my wife wanted to go live in NC for a while, check out the lifestyle change while we renovated an historic home we owned up there (but I digress, a story for another day perhaps :). After two years in NC, we miss NOLA terribly and wish to move home. Anyway, every time we do a search for New Orleans, regardless of dates , advance time, etc., it just pulls up the same six listings...and turns out they don't seem to be interested, most don't reply, and one party that did reply proved to not even understand the use of Host Points, saying they were not interested because they didn't care to come stay at my Blue Ridge cabin...well, HELLO, those reciprocal swaps are not necessary to enjoy traveling within the AHW community.
The only exchange I was able to pull of was a Non-Reciprocal Exchange, using Host Points, but it took place on the Northshore town of Covington, LA; this meant long drives in & out of the city of NO, not helpful for our various real estate touring in the city. I welcome advice!