@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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Hi Hosts,
We are currently doing everything we can to make sure we reach all our Hosts attending Airbnb Open, confirm they are safe, and help out in any way we can. We continue trying to call everyone on the phone to check you're all ok, so look out for that if you haven't got a call yet (see update here).
Additionally, some Hosts have been giving very helpful status updates on Twitter using the hashtag #AirbnbOpen. We are keeping an eye out for these and it is a big help too.
We encourage you to check it out if you are on Twitter, and drop a comment with the hashtag to let us know your status. You can also post on this thread to confirm that you are Ok too, as we also keep an eye out on this forum.
Stay safe!
New to the Community Center? Check Getting Started for guidelines and info.
I think you may have my Italian number in the Airbnb Open registration, but I have a Belgian one now. By the way, my boyfriend and I are safe. We came back in Gent an hour ago!
Glad to hear you and your boyfriend are OK and you got home safe! Thanks a lot for confirming - we'll make sure to update our info accordingly.
New to the Community Center? Check Getting Started for guidelines and info.
Hola Buenas noches para confirmarle que yo Homero aguilar y mi amigo Jacques Campion ,estamos bien, inquietos y tristes por lo sucedido anoche en esta bella ciudad, regresamos a nuestro pais Colombia con el corazon triste, pero reconfortados en que la comunidad airbnb es solidaria conlos que sufren y dispuesto ayudar a los que sufren ,esperando que ninguno de los asistentes de airbnb open 2015 no esten en dificultades de ninguna indole.
un abrazo Fraterno para todos.
Homero y Jacques
Hola @Homero0, no sabes lo que nos alegramos de saber que tú y tu amigo Jaques estáis bien. Te agradecemos que nos hayas hecho saber que os encontráis sanos y a salvo y compartimos esta profunda tristeza por los hechos acaecidos anoche.
Muchas gracias, sinceras, y buen viaje.
Estoy contando con que voy a poder comunicarme contigo, fingers crossed 🙂
Busco un lugar como los que ofreces es San Antonio (alabo tu buen gusto, felicidades), solo que a largo plazo, a lo mejor conoces a alguien...
Soy doctora, responsable (en exceso creo), tengo a mis hijos fuera de Colombia y mis mascotas viven con mi madre en una casa campestre en el Cauca; se entiende que un apartaestudio me va perfecto.
Espero tus noticias. En serio.
Hola @Ona0
Soy Sergio, moderador de la comunidad hispanohablante de Airbnb.
Te hago saber que he editado tu post para Homero sólo para quitar tus datos personales, los he dejado un tiempo prudencial, pero la política de esta plataforma es no dejar datos personales, por vuestro propio bien.
Por otro lado te invito a que te unas a nuesta comunidad y compartas tus experiencias con nosotros.
Un saludo.
The hosts attending the Open were really touched that people from the company went out of their way to check that everyone attending was safely out of harm's way in Paris. The local hosts are clearly shocked at what has happened and what it will mean to their lives. The small gestures of concern and support from Airbnb seem genuinely appreciated.
Hello all,
I am so relieved to hear that you are safe. It is a real comfort that we are part of a community at time like this. Thank you all for letting us know and I will make sure our information is updated.
@Angielena0 would you be able to share any details you have regarding the Sikh Temple accomodation, incase others are still looking?
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Jim Carbin and Lizz Caplan are fine. Our phones don't work here.
We were planning to stay in our AirBnB until next Saturday, so we are fixed for lodgings. Our neighborhood is not far from the attack sites, but everyone seems to be quite calm and the shops are open.
We (Till & Jutta) are safe. The Dublin staff reached us on our mobile. They all do a great job.
We've been at the 25 Est brasserie last night, the #German-speaking group and the #Canadians shared a complete bar to have a MeetUp, when the horible news reached us. @Laura_R, @Alex and @Dimitri0 organized later in the morning, that we could return in small groups to the event ground, where about 100 hosts could stay at a safe place. Thanks to all to stay calm in such a difficult situation.
Hey Paul & John. I am also a Seattle host, though I am spending 7 weeks in Paris. I'm so sorry we all had this experience as it is such a devastation literally for the world I believe. I hope that even though you are shaken you remember how wonderful it was to all be together at the conference and that you still enjoy the time you have left here. I am a photojournalist so I am trying to be active in understanding what has happened and photographing what I can so that I can share it back home. Bonsoir and bon chance! Trishann Couvillion
Greenwood, North Seattle Host
I'm safe, calls to my israeli number are forwarded to my business partner Julia. Hoping to get easyjet to change the flight, so I can leave earlier.