Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear...
Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear, I am reaching out to seek guidance and assistance regarding tem...
Hi everyone,
I’m Catherine, Airbnb’s Global Head of Hosting. Over the past week, so many lives have been devastated by the unfolding scenes of violence in Ukraine. In this moment of global crisis, we’re turning our attention to how we can help.
We want to let you know that has committed to offering free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. will provide funding and support for nonprofit partners on the ground who will directly facilitate temporary stays for refugees.
We have heard from Hosts who have been directly affected by the violence or are worried for family and friends in the region. And I’ve been heartened to hear from so many of you who want to get involved and help, and in the coming days, we’ll have more details about how you can do so.
In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation to’s Refugee Fund. To learn more about and the effort to temporarily house refugees fleeing Ukraine, head to the Resource Center.
We’ll be in touch with more very soon. If you have questions or suggestions, you can always tag me directly on the Community Center: @Catherine-Powell
Until then, take good care of yourselves and each other.
Hi Catherine, i work with a volunteer organisation that is assisting Ukrainian refugees abroad. Is there any way for the refugees to find the home on Airbnb themselves? is there such a category as humanitarian hosting among the options?
if not - woudl it take too much time and resources to do it? it would be a super help you know?
Just in case you need to discuss it my e-mail: *personal information hidden*
Hi Oksana, I would be interested on the process as we urgently need help for 11 people fleeing Ukraine too. thank you very much.
A lot of people all over the world help ukrainians. Unfortunately russian support of airnb close the acounts and block the objects. And cancel the bookings without any explanations. Please repost.
I would like to know what steps Airbnb is taking to join the international community's isolation of Russia. Of course, help to all the victims of Russian aggression is essential and all praise to Airbnb for being on the ball with this, but Airbnb should also impose penalties on Russia to increase the pressure and express our disgust at what is happening. Airbnb should not be on the wrong side of history or react too late to be meaningful.
As of yesterday, March 3rd Airbnb has suspended bookings in Russia and Belorus.
Thank you for your help and accommodation of citizens of Ukraine.
Почему тогда блокируеются обьявления в Украине? Последний кусок хлеба отнимаете! Why are advertisements blocked in Ukraine then? Take away the last piece of bread!
Hi @Serhii18,
I mentioned this earlier on in this discussion, some listings have been removed and some bookings cancelled, with all those affected being contacted, as we continue to adapt and learn from our efforts with the Ukraine crisis. I'm really sorry for any confusion this might cause.
If you are in need of urgent support yourself, or know someone who does, please head over to this page for further help.
I hope this helps, and please stay safe!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Нет вы не ответили на вопрос, я уже более недели не могу разместить жилье или получить ответ на вопрос хотя бы!
No, you didn’t answer the question, I haven’t been able to place accommodation or even get an answer to the question for more than a week!
Блкируються обьекты би не добавляються новые служба поддержки не чего ответить не может
Objects are blocked, new ones are not added, the support service cannot answer anything
Hello @Catherine-Powell , @Emilie
Hope you can help me with this problem.
My board has been posted since 2015. all was good. the board has reviews, rating and reputation, as well as credibility. Then, for reasons unknown to me, my board was stopped. explaining this allegedly because of the situation in Ukraine. my board from Ukraine. Please check if some system error has occurred in the service and they accepted that I allegedly started creating ads again. check carefully. please.
Ваше объявление тоже приостановили на сервисе Airbnb? и при этом не объяснив причину.
А какие еще страны вы хотели бы изолировать? Это правильная сторона?
What other countries would you like to isolate? Is this the right side?