I own and manage a number of Airbnb holiday lets in the UK. ...
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I own and manage a number of Airbnb holiday lets in the UK. I am looking to sponsor and host a Ukranian couple currently in ...
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Hi everyone,
I’m Catherine, Airbnb’s Global Head of Hosting. Over the past week, so many lives have been devastated by the unfolding scenes of violence in Ukraine. In this moment of global crisis, we’re turning our attention to how we can help.
We want to let you know that Airbnb.org has committed to offering free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. Airbnb.org will provide funding and support for nonprofit partners on the ground who will directly facilitate temporary stays for refugees.
We have heard from Hosts who have been directly affected by the violence or are worried for family and friends in the region. And I’ve been heartened to hear from so many of you who want to get involved and help, and in the coming days, we’ll have more details about how you can do so.
In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation to Airbnb.org’s Refugee Fund. To learn more about Airbnb.org and the effort to temporarily house refugees fleeing Ukraine, head to the Resource Center.
We’ll be in touch with more very soon. If you have questions or suggestions, you can always tag me directly on the Community Center: @Catherine-Powell
Until then, take good care of yourselves and each other.
Ukraine very appreciate!!!
We really appreciate your words and efforts to help people in our country!
It touches to the core. Stay strong till the end and we will defeat the evil that has come to our home
Hello, I'm from Irpen, it's in Ukraine.
I am renting out my apartment during the hostilities in my city and my country.
The apartment is temporarily vacant while my family and I are in the western regions of the country.
Для каждого украинца сейчас важна поддержка нашего народа. Мы все очень благодарны, как к нам отнеслись, молятся, заботятся жители других стран. Спасибо вам огромное! Божьих благословений!
For every Ukrainian, the support of our people is now important. We are all very grateful for the way we were treated, prayed, cared for by people from other countries. Thanks a lot! God's blessings!
How airnb helps russian invaders!
A lot of people all over the world help ukrainians. Unfortunately russian support of airnb close the acounts and block the objects. And cancel the bookings without any explanations. Please repost.
Hi @Александр2,
We are consistently adapting and learning from our efforts with the Ukraine crisis, To that end, some listings have indeed been removed and some bookings cancelled, and all those affected are being contacted. I'm really sorry if this has caused any confusion, and please be assured that we will continue to support those in need however we can.
The best way to contribute via the platform is to go through Airbnb.org, who works with non-profits to assist refugees and help find them emergency stays. At this time, everyone is encouraged, if they are able to, to open their doors for free or at a discount via this page, or by making a donation.
If you are in need of urgent support yourself, or know someone who does, please head over to this page for further help.
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
@Александр2 I understand it has been frustrating, thanks for telling us a bit more about what happened!
As I mentioned, some listings are being removed and some bookings cancelled, with everyone impacted being informed. We do not have access to your account here, so if you have more questions or concerns about this, please do get in touch with our Support teams so they can look into it for you.
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hello everybody! Thanks to everyone who helps Ukraine in this terrible time of war! The war made me lose my job. My family and I decided not to leave the country and stay here until the very victory, no matter how hard it was. In the news, I saw a story that on this site you can get financial assistance. It is very uncomfortable to ask for help like this.. But in the last three days, there have already been two kind people who helped me.. If you have the opportunity, please help financially, book my apartment.
Звучит красиво и громко, но на деле никто ничего не переводит, к сожалению.
Люди жертвуют деньги, а сайт их просто морозит.
It sounds nice and loud, but in fact, no one translates anything, unfortunately.
People donate money, and the site just freezes them.
Не правда, всі гроші регулярно поступають!
Not true, all the money comes in regularly!
Поступают куда? На внутренний аккаунт?
Where do they go? To an internal account?
A big thank you to the entire Airbnb family. Thank you for your apartment bookings. I want to inform you that thanks to your support, dozens of children from Ukraine will receive diapers No. 6 and No. 4 and baby food. The funds from the booking were used to purchase assistance for the children. You are the best, thanks also to the administration for the opportunity to get help in the form of a reservation. Many thanks to everyone: these goods will go to single mothers, orphans and children with disabilities. Ukraine will win and our children will grow up in a free and democratic country!
I have to say that once again Airbnb, through Brian Cheskey's leadership and humanitarian conscious, has led the way amongst the online accommodation portal providers , backed by real money and support. Well done Brian and all Airbnb staff and a huge well done and thank you to the many hosts around the world who have stepped up to the plate and offering their support. Proud to be a part of this community
Не можу добавити оголошення. Пише "Наразі до вашого акаунта неможливо додати додаткові помешкання в Україні" Що може бути?
I can't add listings. It says "Currently it is not possible to add additional apartments in Ukraine to your account" What could happen?