I own and manage a number of Airbnb holiday lets in the UK. ...
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I own and manage a number of Airbnb holiday lets in the UK. I am looking to sponsor and host a Ukranian couple currently in ...
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Hi everyone,
I’m Catherine, Airbnb’s Global Head of Hosting. Over the past week, so many lives have been devastated by the unfolding scenes of violence in Ukraine. In this moment of global crisis, we’re turning our attention to how we can help.
We want to let you know that Airbnb.org has committed to offering free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. Airbnb.org will provide funding and support for nonprofit partners on the ground who will directly facilitate temporary stays for refugees.
We have heard from Hosts who have been directly affected by the violence or are worried for family and friends in the region. And I’ve been heartened to hear from so many of you who want to get involved and help, and in the coming days, we’ll have more details about how you can do so.
In the meantime, you can sign up to provide emergency housing in your area or make a donation to Airbnb.org’s Refugee Fund. To learn more about Airbnb.org and the effort to temporarily house refugees fleeing Ukraine, head to the Resource Center.
We’ll be in touch with more very soon. If you have questions or suggestions, you can always tag me directly on the Community Center: @Catherine-Powell
Until then, take good care of yourselves and each other.
Hi @Marina1599,
If you are in need of urgent support yourself, or know someone who does, please head over to this page for further help. That is the best way to get assistance via the platform. 🙂
Stay safe and do let us know if you need anything else,
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Доброго дня, в мене та сама проблема. Підкажіть чи вдалося вам опублікувати своє оголошення. І в чому саме була помилка. Дякую
Hello, I have the same problem. Please tell us if you were able to post your ad. And what exactly was wrong. thanks
Hello! I continue my photo report to the airbnb family to help Ukrainians.
During the war in Ukraine, I had the opportunity to communicate with many members of the large airbnb family. Many of you booked my apartments, and I promised that all funds from booking apartments would go to good deoa and support for Ukrainian children and the elderly. In the last comment, you saw the first part of the purchase and distribution of essentials. I want to thank all of you, because it is thanks to each of you that these people received this support.
I continue the report: Yesterday we bought a batch of children's overalls for children under 1 year old and things for children from 6 to 13 years old. We have purchased baby food for children from 0 to 3 years old. We purchased long-term food for people over 75 years old and much more. Thanks for your kindness. Kindness will save the world!
Добрий день. Підкажіть чому гроші не переховують на картку?
Good day. Tell me why the money is not hidden on the card?
Hi @Yaroslav22,
I'm not sure I understand your question here, but would love to help! Could you tell us a bit more about what you'd like more info on or support with please?
Thanks 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
I am grateful you have made it possible to virtually rent air b&bs in Ukraine by suspending all the fees. Please keep this initiative in place until Ukraine is free of war. It also is a good way to personally connect and get direct news which we are in need of. Peace for beautiful people of Ukraine!
My husband and I are planning on opening up our home to help Ukrainian refugees - when we go through the listing process, do we need to specify anywhere that we are doing this to aid Ukrainian refugees? Is there a chance of other refugees being placed with us? We just want to make sure we understand the process before we submit everything.
Thank you!
As far as I know Airbnb makes no difference based on the place of origin where refugees come from. It's part of the antidiscrimination policy.
That's what I thought, too - Not like we don't want to host refugees from other countries, just wanted to make sure we understood the procedure.
It's great to hear you'd like to open your home and support those most affected by this crisis. Were you able to sign up through https://www.airbnb.org/help-ukraine? which would immediately flag that you are willing to host a refugee from Ukraine. I'd suggest going there first.
We are currently housing refugees in neighboring countries, but given the number of people displaced we do expect the U.S. will be a big area of focus for us in the coming months. Once you do sign up, you'll get notifications of people needing a place to stay. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions.
We had another question - is there an expected timeframe for when refugees will begin being housed in the US? We are planning a trip for the end of the year, but we don't want to commit to anything if it would potentially overlap with the arrival of refugees as we want to make the transition as seamless as possible for them coming into our home.
Thank you for any information you can provide!
Thanks for your help!!!!
I have a house in bangkok , and would like to help too, just want the guest fleeing Ukraine and in real need to contact through the app and make sure to keep the property clean. I have sign up to try to support with one property already. Once I understand how it works will sign up more.
regards from Thailand host
I hope Ukraine ruffgee will safe.And I hope the war will be end.Although I am in China.But I don't anti-ukraine although my school teach.
Добрый день.Мы семья из Украины город Херсон. Муж,жена и двое детей 11 и 17 лет. У нас есть собачка и кошка,маленькие.Хотим выехать из города,планируем в Германию.Прошу помощи,где можно найти бесплатно квартиру или дом.Знаю,что с животными очень тяжело найти жильё,но для нас они как дети,поэтому мы их не оставим,а возьмём с собой.Может кто то знает,как и где найти жильё.В службу поддержки AirBnb писала ,они ответили что ничего нет пока.
PS. .Наш город оккупирован русскими фашистами,выезда из города пока нет,вообще.Связь и интернет нам периодически отключают,Продукты в магазине только русские,сейчас сказали что б люди делали гражданство РФ.Желающих нет вообще,люди не хотят принимать гражданство России ,думаю что скоро будут принудительно заставлять людей делать гражданство РФ.
В Херсоне воруют мужчин,насилуют женщин,поэтому мы пытаемся не выходить из дома часто,только за продуктами 1-2 раза в неделю.
Очень ждём ВСУ🙏,надеемся и верим,что Украина победит и скоро наступит мир.