Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear...
Subject: Urgent Assistance Needed for Temporary Housing Dear, I am reaching out to seek guidance and assistance regarding tem...
I've seen on some FB hosts groups that Superhosts who haven't yet 'spent' their $100 dollar Airbnb reward voucher are booking accommodation with UKRAINE hosts with the voucher.
This means that these hosts will have some guaranteed income from the vouchers at a time of uncertainty and horror in their lives.
A small gesture from the Airbnb community that all SH could consider. I will certainly be doing this.
You can of course cancel at the last minute and the host will still be paid.
Would Airbnb consider helping hosts in UKRAINE by not charging their fee for any accommodation booking in the country over the next few months @Stephanie @Nick @Catherine-Powell ????
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Is there a suggestion to alert Ukrainian Hosts to change their Cancellation Policy to ZERO REFUND ON CANCELLATION? That way the Host can keep the full amount of Donation. FE I intend to cancel my stay in Ukraine but I do not want the 50% refund offered by the Host. Cheers William
I checked the cancellation policy before I booked @Mike-And-Jane0 so not in my case. But that's a good point regarding checking the hosts cancellation policy before cancelling.
I did the same when making my reservation. I looked for a home share host with no free cancellation and managed to book (although I did pay over) a week
So, Ukrainian hosts should amend their Cancellation Policy to “No Refunds” if they want to keep the guest’s money/donation. Cheers, Bill
Допоможіть боротьбі проти російської агресії тільки разом ми переможемо. Я є військовослужбовець і нам не вистачає засобів боротьби з загарбниками не будьте байдужими. Слава Україні
Above translates as:
Only in the fight against Russian aggression will we win together. I am a serviceman and we lack the means to fight the invaders, do not be indifferent. Glory to Ukraine
@Сергій0 From what we see on the news you are doing an amazing job fighting the Russian invaders
З того, що ми бачимо в новинах, ви робите дивовижну роботу в боротьбі з російськими загарбниками.
MikeandJane, your translation is better… thanks
Using TRANSLATE, Ceprino has said something like, “It is only possible to help fight against the Russian aggression at once. It is possible to help against the Russian aggression. I'm a Vysky serviceman and we don't have any fight against the sunguards, don't be bad. Glory to Ukraine.”.
That's great @Mark116 would you also share the idea on any US host groups you're a member of please. Would love to get as many hosts as possible doing this.
I like the idea of donating our stay to hosts who are homeshare hosts or hosts with one or two places rather than big corporate management companies.
@Helen3 Shared with the Derbyshire Facebook group. Lots like the idea and even those without super host coupons are looking to book in Ukraine.
I am an addict. I am supposed to be going to the Ukraine on holiday tomorrow for a week on my Superhost voucher, and I have now extended my stay by another week with a different host
@Kate867 Good on you. Lets hope other superhosts join in as well or you will be renting all the property in Kyiv.