[Closed] 2023 Winter Release: Q&A with Catherine Powell

[Closed] 2023 Winter Release: Q&A with Catherine Powell

Hi Everyone,


I am excited to connect with all of you for another Q&A session. 


As many of you know, I started Hosting earlier this year with my husband and co-Host, Hugh, and I have learned so much during this time. Specifically how much effort and care goes into being a great Host, and of course a Superhost! I have always been full of admiration for our Host community -  my appreciation now for all that you do and are able to achieve is even deeper!


On November 8, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky announced the 2023 Winter Release, which includes significant upgrades to the Host experience such as new tools to manage and showcase your listings and coming soon will be upgraded pricing features. As with all our releases, the product innovations have been directly influenced by the feedback we hear from our Host community. 


And I am sure you won’t be surprised to hear I am now one of those voices of feedback!


So it has been such a pleasant surprise to see the new Listings tab: how easy and intuitive it is to add amenities; how much easier it is to remove old listings that were never published and of course the photo tour!  If you have not yet explored the changes,  I really encourage everyone to give it a try. 


As I said earlier, we're always listening to your feedback and we received great questions during our last Q&A session in May.  I’d love to hear from you again and I invite you to ask me any questions you might have about this most recent release


You will be able to submit questions in this thread until the end of this week - 17th November. Our Airbnb Community Managers  will compile your most popular questions related to the Release, and I will respond to you by the end of November. 


Thank you all for being such an important part of our community.




👉 Pl
ease ensure to follow the below Q&A Guidelines:

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  • Remain respectful in your interactions with other Hosts and the Airbnb team. Let's make sure our communication remains meaningful and constructive. 
  • Kindly keep your questions focused on the 2023 Winter release and provide relevant feedback on the topic.
  • Please use the comment section to ask questions related to the release and the like button to upvote a question that you would like to see addressed.
  • Be as clear as possible regarding your question, describing what you want to know and why you think it’s relevant for Airbnb’s Host Community. 
  • All questions will be reviewed. We’ll prioritize the most relevant and popular questions – those concerning our global Host Community and directly linked to the Winter 2023 release.
  • Kindly focus your questions on the features and enhancements included as part of the November updates rather than what’s not included. 
  • We reserve the right to remove replies that do not follow the above guidelines
  • We will do our best to ensure that critical concerns about Airbnb’s Winter 2023 Release are addressed.

 🇫🇷 Lisez ce message en français:

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Bonjour tout le monde.


J'ai hâte de vous retrouver pour une nouvelle séance de questions-réponses. 


Comme vous le savez, je suis devenue hôte cette année avec mon mari et co-hôte, Hugh. J'ai beaucoup appris, en particulier sur les efforts que doivent fournir les hôtes, et bien sûr les Superhôtes, pour atteindre l'excellence. J'ai toujours admiré notre communauté d'hôtes, mais encore plus maintenant que je vois ce que vous accomplissez.


Le 8 novembre, Brian Chesky, PDG d'Airbnb, a annoncé l'Édition Hiver 2023, qui comprend des améliorations importantes pour les hôtes : de nouveaux outils pour gérer votre annonce et mettre en valeur votre logement, ainsi que des fonctionnalités de tarification améliorées à venir. Comme pour toutes nos éditions, les innovations produits ont été directement influencées par les remarques de notre communauté d'hôtes. 


Sans surprise, je fais maintenant partie des hôtes qui font des suggestions.


J'ai eu l'agréable surprise de découvrir la nouvelle page Annonces, qui permet d'ajouter facilement des équipements de façon intuitive, de supprimer d'anciennes annonces jamais publiées… et bien sûr, de créer une visite photo. Si vous n'avez pas encore découvert ces nouveautés, faites-le ! 


Comme je l'ai dit, nous sommes à l'écoute de vos remarques, et vos questions lors de notre session en mai dernier étaient très pertinentes. J'aimerais avoir de vos nouvelles. Je vous invite à me poser vos questions sur cette dernière édition.


Vous pourrez les envoyer dans ce fil de discussion jusqu'à la fin de la semaine, c'est-à-dire le 17 novembre. Nos responsables de la communauté Airbnb compileront les questions fréquentes liées à l'Édition d’Hiver, et je vous répondrai d'ici la fin du mois de novembre. 


Merci de votre participation précieuse à notre communauté.





👉 Informations complémentaires – veillez à suivre les consignes de la séance de questions-réponses ci-dessous : 

  • Faites preuve de respect lors de vos interactions avec d'autres hôtes et l'équipe Airbnb. Les échanges doivent rester pertinents et constructifs. 
  • Assurez-vous que vos questions concernent les nouveautés produits de l'Édition d’Hiver 2023 et qu'elles fournissent des remarques pertinentes à leur sujet.
  • Merci d’utiliser la section des commentaires pour poser des questions liées à la nouvelle édition et le bouton J'aime, si vous souhaitez voter pour une question que vous souhaitez voir abordée.
  • Assurez-vous que votre question est aussi claire que possible, précisez ce que vous souhaitez savoir et pourquoi vous pensez qu'elle est pertinente pour la communauté d'hôtes sur Airbnb. 
  • Toutes les questions seront examinées. Nous donnerons la priorité aux questions les plus pertinentes et les plus populaires qui concernent notre communauté d'hôtes mondiale, et qui sont directement liées à l'Édition d’Hiver 2023.
  • Concentrez vos questions sur les fonctionnalités et les améliorations incluses dans les nouveautés de novembre plutôt que sur ce qui n'est pas inclus. 
  • Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer les réponses qui ne respectent pas les consignes ci-dessus.
  • Nous ferons tout notre possible pour nous assurer que les questions essentielles sur l'Édition d’Hiver 2023 d'Airbnb sont prises en compte.

 🇮🇹 Leggi questa discussione in italiano:

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Ciao a tutti.


Sono felicissima di ritrovarmi con voi per un'altra sessione di domande e risposte. 


Come molti sanno, ospito dall'inizio di quest'anno con mio marito e co-host, Hugh. Ho imparato così tanto in questo periodo, soprattutto quanta fatica e cura servano per essere ottimi host e, naturalmente, fantastici Superhost. Ho sempre avuto grande ammirazione per la nostra community di host e ora il mio apprezzamento per ciò che fate e riuscite a ottenere è persino più sentito.


L'8 novembre Brian Chesky, CEO di Airbnb, ha annunciato la Winter Release 2023, con significative novità per l'esperienza degli host, come nuovi strumenti per gestire e promuovere gli annunci. Presto arriveranno anche le funzionalità aggiornate per i prezzi. Come per ogni nuova release, le innovazioni al prodotto sono state direttamente influenzate dal feedback che riceviamo dalla nostra community di host. 


E sono certa che non vi sorprenderà sapere che ora sono anche io una di quelle voci di feedback!


È stata una piacevole sorpresa vedere la nuova scheda Annunci, scoprire quanto sia facile e intuitivo aggiungere servizi e rimuovere i vecchi annunci mai pubblicati. E naturalmente il tour fotografico. Se ancora non avete esplorato le novità, vi incoraggio tutti caldamente a farlo. 


Come dicevo prima, ascoltiamo sempre il vostro feedback e abbiamo ricevuto ottime domande nella nostra ultima sessione a maggio. Mi piacerebbe sentirvi ancora, quindi vi invito a pormi qualsiasi dubbio abbiate su quest'ultima release.


Potete inviare domande in questo thread fino a fine settimana, cioè il 17 novembre. I Community Manager di Airbnb metteranno insieme quelle più popolari legate alla release, e io risponderò entro la fine di novembre. 


Non vedo l'ora di conoscere i vostri feedback. Grazie a tutti perché siete fondamentali per la nostra community.


A presto,



👉Maggiori informazioni - Assicuratevi di seguire queste linee guida per la sessione di domande e risposte: 


  • Adottate un comportamento rispettoso nelle interazioni con altri host e con il team di Airbnb. Comunicate in modo costruttivo e attenetevi alle tematiche proposte. 
  • Vi chiediamo di inviarci solo domande e feedback pertinenti alla Winter Release 2023 di Airbnb
  • Per porre delle domande, potete usare la sezione dei commenti; se la vostra domanda è già stata pubblicata, fatecelo sapere assegnandole un Mi piace.
  • Formulate le domande in modo chiaro, descrivendo nello specifico cosa volete sapere e perché ritenete che sia rilevante per la community di host Airbnb. 
  • Il nostro team esaminerà tutte le domande, ma darà priorità a quelle più pertinenti e condivise, ovvero quelle che interessano maggiormente alla nostra community globale di host e che sono strettamente correlate alla Winter Release 2023.
  • Vi chiediamo di porre domande solo relativamente alle funzionalità e ai miglioramenti inclusi negli aggiornamenti di novembre anziché su altri aspetti non pertinenti. 
  • Ci riserviamo il diritto di rimuovere le risposte che non rispetteranno le linee guida di cui sopra.
  • Faremo del nostro meglio per assicurarci di rispondere a tutti i dubbi più importanti sulla Winter Release 2023 di Airbnb.

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¡Hola a todos!


Qué ganas de compartir con vosotros una nueva sesión de preguntas y respuestas. 


Muchos de vosotros ya sabéis que empecé a hospedar a principios de este año con mi marido y coanfitrión, Hugh. Y he aprendido tanto en este tiempo. En concreto, sobre el esfuerzo y la dedicación que se necesitan para ser un anfitrión de primera y, por supuesto, un gran Superanfitrión. Siempre he admirado a nuestra comunidad de anfitriones y mi agradecimiento por todo lo que hacéis y lo que sois capaces de lograr es ahora más profundo si cabe.


El pasado 8 de noviembre, el director ejecutivo de Airbnb, Brian Chesky, anunció el lanzamiento de invierno del 2023, que incluye importantes mejoras para los anfitriones, como nuevas herramientas para gestionar y mostrar los anuncios y, próximamente, nuevas funciones de precios. Como ocurre en todos nuestros lanzamientos, las novedades que ofrecemos tienen su origen en los comentarios que recibimos de nuestra comunidad de anfitriones. 


Por eso, no os sorprenderá saber que a partir de ahora yo también voy a poder compartir mi opinión como anfitriona.


Me ha encantado descubrir la nueva pestaña Anuncios, lo fácil e intuitivo que es añadir servicios y eliminar anuncios antiguos que nunca se publicaron. Y, por supuesto, el recorrido fotográfico. Si aún no habéis explorado estos cambios, os animo a todos a probarlos. 


Como he dicho antes, siempre tenemos en cuenta vuestros comentarios y también hemos recibido preguntas muy interesantes durante la última sesión de preguntas y respuestas de mayo. Estoy deseando conocer vuestra opinión y os invito a preguntarme cualquier duda que tengáis sobre las novedades de este último lanzamiento.


Podréis enviar vuestras preguntas a través de este hilo hasta el final de la semana. Es decir, el 17 de noviembre. Los community managers de Airbnb reunirán las preguntas más populares relacionadas con el lanzamiento y yo me encargaré de responderlas hacia finales de noviembre. 


Estoy deseando conocer vuestras dudas y opiniones. Muchísimas gracias a todos por formar parte de nuestra comunidad.


Un abrazo,


Ten en cuenta estas pautas cuando vayas a formular tus preguntas: 

  • Trata con respeto al resto de anfitriones y al equipo de Airbnb. Mantén un tono constructivo y habla sobre temas que sean relevantes. 
  • Céntrate en formular todas las dudas que tengas sobre las novedades del lanzamiento de invierno del 2023 y en dar tu opinión al respecto.
  • Por favor utiliza la sección de comentarios para preguntar todo lo que quieras sobre las mejoras que hemos presentado y el botón Me gusta para votar las preguntas que quieres que respondamos.
  • Procura que tus comentarios sean claros, describe lo que quieres saber y por qué crees que es importante para la comunidad de anfitriones. 
  • Revisaremos todas las preguntas. Daremos prioridad a aquellas que sean más relevantes y se repitan más, a las que afecten directamente a la comunidad de anfitriones y a las que estén relacionadas con el lanzamiento de invierno del 2023.
  • Céntrate en comentar tus dudas sobre las nuevas funciones y mejoras que hemos presentado en el lanzamiento de Noviembre  y evita cuestiones que no estén relacionadas con el lanzamiento. 
  • Nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar los comentarios que no se ajusten a estas pautas.
  • Haremos todo lo posible por resolver las dudas más importantes sobre el lanzamiento de invierno de Airbnb del 2023. 

🇧🇷 🇵🇹 Leia este tópico Portuguese: 

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Oi, pessoal.


É um prazer estar com todos vocês para mais uma sessão de perguntas e respostas. 


Muitos de vocês sabem que comecei a hospedar no início do ano com meu marido e coanfitrião, Hugh. Aprendi muito nesse período, principalmente sobre o esforço e cuidado necessários para ser uma boa anfitriã e, claro, uma ótima Superhost. Sempre admirei muito nossa comunidade de anfitriões, e o meu apreço por tudo o que vocês fazem e conseguem conquistar é ainda maior.


No dia 8 de novembro, o CEO do Airbnb, Brian Chesky, anunciou o Airbnb 2023 - edição de novembro, que inclui melhorias significativas para a experiência do anfitrião, como novas ferramentas para gerenciar e promover seus anúncios. Além disso, em breve teremos melhorias nos recursos de preços. Como em todos os nossos lançamentos, as inovações foram diretamente influenciadas pelo feedback da nossa comunidade de anfitriões. 


Com certeza não será uma surpresa saber que agora sou uma das vozes que também dão esse feedback.


Dessa forma, que presente incrível foi ver a nova aba Anúncios, que torna a tarefa de adicionar comodidades fácil e intuitiva e facilita demais a remoção de anúncios antigos que nunca foram publicados. Além, é claro, do tour de fotos. Se vocês ainda não exploraram essas atualizaçōes, incentivo todos a experimentarem. 


Como eu disse antes, sempre escutamos o feedback de vocês  e recebemos ótimas perguntas na última sessão de perguntas e respostas em maio. Quero ouvir de vocês de novo, e os convido a me enviar todas as suas perguntas sobre este novo lançamento.


Vocês poderão enviar perguntas nesta conversa até o fim da semana, ou seja, dia 17 de novembro. Os Gerentes da Comunidade do Airbnb vão coletar as perguntas mais frequentes relacionadas ao lançamento, e eu as responderei até o fim de novembro. 


Obrigada a todos por serem uma parte tão importante da nossa comunidade.




👉 Siga estas diretrizes ao elaborar perguntas, clique para obter mais informações:

  • Mantenha o respeito nas suas interações com outros anfitriões e com a equipe do Airbnb. Use um tom construtivo e aborde temas que sejam relevantes. 
  • Concentre-se nas novidades da Edição de inverno do Airbnb 2023 ao elaborar suas perguntas e dar feedback.
  • Use a seção dos comentários para fazer perguntas relacionadas ao lançamento e o botão curtir para votar a favor de uma pergunta que gostaria de ver abordada.
  • Faça suas perguntas com clareza: descreva o que você quer saber e por que acha que a dúvida é relevante para a comunidade de anfitriões. 
  • Analisaremos todas as perguntas e vamos priorizar as que forem mais relevantes e populares — ou seja, aquelas que afetem diretamente nossa comunidade de anfitriões e estejam relacionadas à Edição de inverno.
  • Ao fazer perguntas, concentre-se nos recursos e melhorias que apresentamos e evite o que não estiver relacionado ao lançamento de novembro. 
  • Nós nos reservamos o direito de remover conteúdo que não siga essas diretrizes.
  • Faremos o possível para esclarecer as dúvidas mais importantes sobre a Edição de inverno do Airbnb 2023.

🇩🇪 Lies diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch: 

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Hallo zusammen.


Es freut mich, dass wir uns alle zu einer weiteren Fragerunde treffen. 


Viele von euch wissen, dass ich seit diesem Jahr Gastgeberin bin, mit meinem Mann und Co-Gastgeber, Hugh. Ich habe in dieser Zeit unglaublich viel gelernt, insbesondere, wie viel Mühe und Sorgfalt notwendig ist, um eine großartige Gastgeberin und natürlich auch Superhost zu sein. Ich habe unsere Gastgeber:innen-Community immer bewundert, und meine Wertschätzung für all das, was ihr tut und erreicht, ist jetzt noch größer.


Am 8. November hat unser CEO Brian Chesky das Airbnb 2023: Winter-Update vorgestellt, das bedeutende Verbesserungen für Gastgeber:innen umfasst. Dazu gehören neue Tools zum Verwalten und Präsentieren eurer Inserate, und auch die Preisfunktionen werden bald verbessert. Wie bei all unseren Updates wurden die Produktinnovationen direkt vom Feedback unserer Gastgeber:innen-Community beeinflusst. 


Es wird euch sicher nicht überraschen, dass ich eine dieser Feedback-Stimmen bin.


Es war so eine schöne Überraschung, das neue Tab „Inserate“ zu sehen. Ausstattungen können jetzt einfach und intuitiv hinzugefügt werden. Alte Inserate, die nie veröffentlicht wurden, lassen sich ganz einfach löschen. Und nicht zu vergessen: Der Fotorundgang! Wenn ihr die Änderungen noch nicht gesehen habt, rate ich euch allen, sie auszuprobieren. 


Wie gesagt: Wir hören euer Feedback immer und wir haben tolle Fragen bei unserer letzten Fragerunde im Mai erhalten. Ich möchte wieder von euch hören und lade euch ein, mir all eure Fragen rund um das neueste Update zu stellen.


Ihr könnt eure Fragen bis zum Ende der Woche in diesem Thread stellen, also bis zum 17. November. Unsere Community-Manager:innen werden eure häufigsten Fragen zum Update sammeln und ich werde euch bis Ende November antworten. 


Ich freue mich sehr darauf, von euch zu hören, und ich danke euch allen dafür, dass ihr ein so wichtiger Teil unserer Community seid.


Viele Grüße


👉Bitte beachtet die folgenden Richtlinien für die Fragerunde: 


  • Geht respektvoll mit anderen Gastgeber:innen und dem Airbnb-Team um. Bitte achtet darauf, dass die Diskussion auf die Themen bezogen und konstruktiv bleibt. 
  • Bitte bezieht euch bei euren Fragen und eurem Feedback im Wesentlichen auf das 2023 Winter-Update.
  • Bitte nutzt den Kommentarbereich, um eure Fragen zum Winter-Update zu stellen. Über den „Daumen nach oben” könnt ihr eure Stimme für eine Frage abgeben, zu der ihr euch eine Antwort wünscht.
  • Formuliert eure Fragen so klar wie möglich und beschreibt genau, was ihr wissen möchtet und warum ihr glaubt, dass euer Anliegen für die Gastgeber:innen-Community auf Airbnb von Bedeutung ist. 
  • Wir werden alle Fragen prüfen und die relevantesten und beliebtesten Fragen bevorzugen – das sind diejenigen, die unsere globale Gastgeber:innen-Community betreffen und sich direkt auf das 2023 Winter-Update beziehen.
  • Bitte konzentriert euch bei euren Fragen auf die neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen aus dem November-Update anstatt auf Dinge, die nicht mit dem Update zusammenhängen. 
  • Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Antworten zu entfernen, die gegen die oben beschriebenen Richtlinien verstoßen.
  • Wir werden unser Bestes tun, auch kritische Anmerkungen zum Airbnb 2023: Winter-Update zu berücksichtigen.

🇳🇱  Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands:

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Hoi allemaal,


Ik kijk ernaar uit om jullie te spreken tijdens een nieuwe Q&A. 


Zoals velen weten, ben ook ik eerder dit jaar gaan verhuren, samen met mijn man en co-host Hugh. Ik heb hier zoveel van geleerd, vooral hoeveel tijd en moeite het kost om een goede host te zijn, en natuurlijk een geweldige Superhost. Ik heb altijd al veel bewondering voor onze community van hosts en mijn waardering voor alles wat jullie doen en bereiken is alleen maar gegroeid.


Op 8 november kondigde Brian Chesky, CEO van Airbnb, Airbnb 2023: Nieuw deze winter aan, met aanzienlijke verbeteringen voor hosts, zoals nieuwe tools om je advertenties te beheren en weer te geven, en binnenkort ook verbeterde prijsfuncties. Zoals met al onze releases, zijn de productverbeteringen rechtstreeks beïnvloed door de feedback die we krijgen van onze community van hosts. 


Het zal je vast niet verbazen dat ik nu ook feedback heb gegeven.


Het is daarom zo'n aangename verrassing om het nieuwe tabblad Advertenties te zien, waarmee je eenvoudig en intuïtief voorzieningen toevoegt, en hoeveel makkelijker je oude advertenties verwijdert die nooit zijn gepubliceerd. En natuurlijk de fotorondleiding. Als je de veranderingen nog niet hebt gezien, raad ik je aan om deze uit te proberen. 


Zoals ik eerder al zei, luisteren we altijd naar feedback en we kregen geweldige vragen tijdens onze laatste Q&A in mei. Ik hoor graag weer van jullie en ik nodig jullie uit om al jullie vragen te stellen over deze nieuwste release.


Je kunt je vragen stellen in deze berichtenreeks tot het einde van de week op 17 november. Onze Airbnb-communitymanagers verzamelen de meestgestelde vragen over de release en ik beantwoord deze voor eind november. 


Ik kijk ernaar uit om van jullie te horen en bedankt dat jullie zo'n belangrijk deel uitmaken van onze community.


Hartelijke groet, 



 👉 Volg de onderstaande richtlijnen voor Q&A's: 


  • Houd het netjes wanneer je contact hebt met andere hosts en het Airbnb-team. Het is wel zo prettig als alle communicatie zinvol en opbouwend is. 
  • We verzoeken je vriendelijk om alleen vragen over de nieuwe release van de 2023 Winter Release te stellen en ons daar relevante feedback over te geven.
  • Gebruik het reactiegedeelte om vragen te stellen over de release. Met de Vind-ik-leuk-knop stem je de vragen die je graag beantwoord wilt zien omhoog.
  • Formuleer je vraag zo duidelijk mogelijk. Verwoord wat je precies wilt weten, en ook waarom je vraag volgens jou relevant is voor alle hosts op Airbnb. 
  • We bekijken alle vragen en maken een selectie van de meest gestelde relevante vragen. Dat zijn vragen die voor de gehele host community interessant zijn en zuiver en alleen over de functies gaan die in de 2023 Winter Release gelanceerd zijn.
  • Richt je vragen alsjeblieft op de functies en verbeteringen die deel uitmaken van de november-updates. Bewaar al je overige vragen voor een volgende keer.
  • Wij behouden ons het recht voor om reacties te verwijderen die niet aan de bovenstaande richtlijnen voldoen.
  • We gaan ons best doen om op al jullie kritische kanttekeningen bij de nieuwe Winter 2023 Release te reageren.


182 Replies 182
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Clara116, It's lovely to see you here! Thank you so much for sharing the feedback from the Hosts from your community group with Catherine. 


Guest Favorite and Superhost status are indeed widely discussed topics on the Community Center as well, and such we're collecting all the feedback about this. 


I truly appreciate you sharing your feedback about this as well—it's very helpful!



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Host Advisory Board Member
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Hello Catherine, it is so great to count on you for these amazing sessions!


In the face of such an innovative and experience-focused N8 release, two questions came to mind that I would love to share with you. The first relates to the inspiration behind the key innovations in this release, especially in the new listing tab and the statistics and pricing features. What was the creative spark that drove these improvements?


The second question arises from the significant evolution of the platform. How has Airbnb's vision evolved since its foundation, and how is this reflected in the most recent updates?


I'm genuinely interested in understanding how the initial vision has guided the path to these exciting developments. 


Thank you!💫

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Francisco-and-Yajaira-Ho0! Thank you so much for sharing such thoughtful questions with Catherine! 😊


Which upgrades do you like the most? Is it the new listings tab or the pricing features? 



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Host Advisory Board Member
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

I'm delighted with everything, especially the new listing button. It simplifies things, and the notion that it can only progress to become even better over time is truly intriguing. This functionality streamlines processes and significantly enhances how I manage my listings. 

Hi Catherine,


I'm finding the updated functionality of the site superb. It's much more navigable than before, and the data is more clearly communicated. 



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Leigh625, thank you so much for sharing your feedback with Catherine about the 2023 Winter Release!


Is there a feature that you like particularly? 



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Level 2
Wexford, Ireland

Dear @Catherine-Powell,

Thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question about the new Guest Favourite badge. Could you please tell us if Airbnb has discussed the possibility of introducing a Host Favourite badge to distinguish and reward our guests who consistently behave well, communicate well, and are not associated with disputes or cancellations? I have always liked the two-way review system initiated by Airbnb, and feel this idea would restore hosts’ confidence in the platform.

Susan Devane, Community Leader, Ireland.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Susan1692, thank you so much for sharing your questions with Catherine! Just so you know, I have edited your post to add a tag so that Catherine is notified of your comment. 



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Host Advisory Board Member
Manly, Australia

I love this idea as well Susan.  Perhaps a " Host favourite" badge for guests could lead to the ability to book a property instantly - ( if a host has turned on this feature).

Level 10
West Palm Beach, FL

A number of hosts, for legal (leases require for 30+ day stays by law), or internal organization reasons (boutique hotels, hosts with COAs/HOAs and B&Bs), need to have the guests sign documents. That PDF feature was removed, prior to the update.


Will it be replaced by something soon, that allows these amendments, to the booking, to stay in the Airbnb communication stream, so hosts stay compliant with keeping their communications on the platform?

Brian Ross
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Brian1613, I hope you are doing well! Thank you for sharing your feedback about this with Catherine. I will pass this on to the team. 



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Hi! I’m loving the winter release. Though still need some getting used to especially the AI photo. But I wanted to ask about the wifi test which doesn’t seem to be working. I kept being asked for the credentials, which have been automatically populated. But it doesn’t start the test. When I go back, it again asks for the credentials. It’s a loop. 

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

Hi @Michael7671 So sorry to hear this. But you seem not to be alone.

As this function is NOT part of the winter release, I think it's better to open a new thread, to follow the guidelines, and to receive better assistance.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Michael7671, thank you for sharing that you love the Winter Release! Are there any specific features that you like? 


Also, I saw that @Till-and-Jutta0 recommended starting a new topic on the issue related to the WiFi test. I wanted to share that you can start a new conversation by clicking here 👈



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Level 2
Wamberal, Australia

Firstly thanks for the opportunity. The Update has been a bit of a mind feel of issues for many.  The Calendar/Pricing has caused huge issues for many Hosts over a month including the nightly prices daily several times a day, the cleaning fee and pet fee prices changing all the time. Escalations to CS went mostly unanswered or a response saying they did not know of any issues and blaming the Hosts. I had to take Instant Book off as all of the enquiries had the wrong amount and I have lost thousands of dollars in booking revenue. 

The Listings Tab I just found out does not work or is not available for hosts who have six or over listings. Why would this be the case?


the other updates like Guest Favourite is great however there are a lot of discrepancies in which listings display it. 

Payout info is good. 

For me it has highlighted an issue with overall communication from AirBnb and Hosts. 

I have been able to have a meeting with a AirBnb representative which has been productive and have offered some solutions. 

I hope our voice is heard.  I live my roles with AirBnb. 

Thank you
