The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hi Host Community,
We hope you all are having a wonderful week. My name is Christy Schrader, and I’m the Director of Community Engagement at Airbnb. I’m also a proud Co-Host in beautiful San Francisco. I’d like to welcome you to our official Host Q&A for the 2024 Summer Release!
On May 1, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky announced upgrades that will help you simplify communication with your guests, get a better look at your earnings, reorder your photo tour and provide more information on who you’re hosting. Brian also announced better ways to travel together and the extraordinary new experience of Icons.
We invite you to share your questions about these new features in this thread until Friday, May 10th. Our team will compile the top questions, and I will come back to you with answers by the end of the month.
We’re excited to hear your reactions to the latest updates and any questions you may have! Thank you for being such an important part of the Airbnb Community.
👉 Q&A Guidelines:
🇫🇷 Lisez ce message en français:
Nous espérons que vous passez une excellente semaine. Je m'appelle Christy Schrader et je suis directrice de l'engagement de la communauté d'Airbnb. Je suis également fière d'être co-hôte dans la magnifique ville de San Francisco. J'aimerais vous souhaiter la bienvenue à notre session de questions-réponses officielle pour l'édition été 2024 !
Le 1er mai, le président d'Airbnb, Brian Chesky, a annoncé des nouveautés qui vous aideront à simplifier la communication avec vos voyageurs, à obtenir un meilleur aperçu de vos revenus, à réorganiser votre visite photo et à en savoir plus sur les voyageurs que vous accueillez. Brian a également annoncé de meilleures façons de voyager en groupe ainsi que la nouvelle catégorie d'annonces Iconiques.
Nous vous invitons à envoyer vos questions au sujet de ces nouvelles fonctionnalités dans ce fil de discussion jusqu'au vendredi 10 mai. Notre équipe compilera les questions les plus fréquentes et vous apportera des réponses d'ici la fin du mois.
N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos réactions et de vos questions quant aux nouveautés ! Merci de jouer un rôle aussi important au sein de la communauté Airbnb.
👉 Merci de suivre les règles de la séance de questions-réponses ci-dessous :
🇮🇹 Leggi questa discussione in italiano:
Mi auguro che stiate trascorrendo una splendida settimana. Mi chiamo Christy Schrader, faccio parte del team Community Engagement di Airbnb e sono anche una fiera co-host nella splendida San Francisco. Desidero darvi il benvenuto alla sessione ufficiale di domande e risposte per gli host relativa alla nostra 2024 Summer Release!
Il 1° maggio, il nostro CEO, Brian Chesky, ha annunciato degli aggiornamenti che vi aiuteranno a semplificare la comunicazione con gli ospiti, ad analizzare meglio i vostri guadagni, a ottimizzare il tour fotografico e a ottenere maggiori informazioni sulle persone che accogliete. Non solo, Brian ha anticipato anche delle novità relative ai viaggi di gruppo e il lancio della straordinaria categoria Icone.
Vi invitiamo a condividere in questo thread eventuali domande su queste nuove funzionalità. Avrete tempo fino a venerdì 10 maggio. Il nostro team raccoglierà le domande più rilevanti ed io provvederò a fornirvi le risposte entro la fine del mese.
Dunque, che aspettate? Fateci sapere cosa pensate degli ultimi aggiornamenti e inoltrateci le vostre domande! Grazie di essere parte della nostra community. Siete il nostro fiore all'occhiello!
A presto,
👉 Assicurati di seguire le seguenti linee guida per la sessione di domande e risposte:
🇪🇸 🇲🇽 🇦🇷 🇨🇴 🇨🇱 🇵🇪 🇨🇺 Lee este hilo en Español:
¡Hola, anfitriones!
Esperamos que estéis teniendo una semana fantástica. Me llamo Christy Schrader y soy la directora de Community Engagement en Airbnb. También tengo la suerte de ser coanfitriona en la preciosa San Francisco. ¡Os damos la bienvenida a nuestra ronda de preguntas y respuestas oficial sobre el lanzamiento de verano del 2024!
El 1 de mayo, Brian Chesky, el director ejecutivo de Airbnb, anunció un conjunto de novedades que os permitirán analizar mejor lo que ganáis, organizar vuestro recorrido fotográfico y disponer de más información sobre las personas a las que vais a hospedar, además de facilitaros la comunicación con los huéspedes. Brian también presentó algunas mejoras para los viajes en grupo y una nueva categoría de experiencias extraordinarias: Iconos.
Os invitamos a que compartáis las preguntas que queráis sobre las nuevas funciones en este hilo de aquí al viernes 10 de mayo. Nuestro equipo recopilará las más populares y os responderé a finales de mes.
¡Estamos deseando saber qué os han parecido las novedades y cuáles son vuestras dudas para aclarároslas! Gracias por ser una pieza esencial de la comunidad de Airbnb.
Un saludo,
👉Ten en cuenta estas pautas cuando vayas a formular tus preguntas:
🇧🇷 🇵🇹 Leia este tópico Portuguese:
Olá, anfitriões!
Esperamos que todos estejam tendo uma semana maravilhosa. Meu nome é Christy Schrader e sou diretora de Engajamento da Comunidade no Airbnb. Também tenho orgulho de ser coanfitriã na bela cidade de São Francisco. Quero dar a vocês as boas-vindas a nossa sessão oficial de perguntas e respostas para anfitriões sobre a edição de maio de 2024!
Em 1º de maio, o CEO do Airbnb, Brian Chesky, anunciou melhorias que ajudarão você a simplificar a comunicação com os hóspedes, visualizar melhor os ganhos, reorganizar o tour por fotos e ter mais informações sobre quem você está hospedando. Brian também anunciou melhorias para as viagens em grupo e os Icônicos, uma nova categoria de experiências extraordinárias.
Convidamos você para compartilhar suas dúvidas sobre esses novos recursos nesta conversa até sexta-feira, 10 de maio. Nossa equipe irá reunir as principais perguntas e eu retornarei com as respostas até o final do mês.
Queremos saber o que vocês acharam das últimas novidades e quais são suas dúvidas! Agradecemos a vocês por serem uma parte tão importante da comunidade do Airbnb.
👉 Não se esqueça de seguir as seguintes diretrizes para as perguntas e respostas:
🇩🇪 Lies diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch:
Liebe Gastgeber:innen,
ich hoffe, ihr habt alle eine tolle Woche. Mein Name ist Christy Schrader und ich bin Director of Community Engagement bei Airbnb. Außerdem bin ich stolze Co-Gastgeberin im schönen San Francisco. Ich möchte euch zu unserem offiziellen Q&A für Gastgeber:innen begrüßen, bei dem wir eure Fragen zum Sommer-Update 2024 beantworten werden.
Am 1. Mai kündigte Brian Chesky, CEO von Airbnb, Upgrades an, die euch helfen werden, die Kommunikation mit Gästen zu erleichtern, einen besseren Überblick über eure Einkünfte zu erhalten, euren Fotorundgang neu anzuordnen und bereits im Vorfeld mehr über eure Gäste zu erfahren. In seiner Präsentation gab Brian zudem neue Optionen für Gruppenreisen bekannt und stellte die neue Kategorie „Ikonen“ für ganz besondere Erlebnisse vor.
Bis Freitag, den 10. Mai, könnt ihr in diesem Thread eure Fragen zu diesen neuen Features stellen. Unser Team wird die Top-Fragen zusammenstellen, und ich werde mit euch bis Ende des Monats die Antworten teilen.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Fragen und Reaktionen auf die neuesten Updates. Danke, dass ihr so ein wichtiger Teil der Airbnb-Community seid.
Herzliche Grüße
👉 Bitte beachtet die folgenden Richtlinien für die Fragerunde:
🇳🇱 Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands:
Dag allemaal,
Hopelijk alles goed met jullie. Mijn naam is Christy Schrader en ik ben Director of Community Engagement bij Airbnb. Daarnaast ben ik co-host in het prachtige San Francisco. Van harte welkom bij onze officiële Q&A voor Airbnb 2024: nieuw deze zomer.
Op 1 mei heeft de CEO van Airbnb, Brian Chesky, allerlei nieuwe functies aangekondigd, bijvoorbeeld om de communicatie met je gasten makkelijker te maken en je meer inzicht te geven in je inkomsten. Verder kun je voortaan je fotorondleiding anders indelen en vooraf meer te weten komen over je gasten. Brian presenteerde ook verbeteringen voor mensen die samen reizen, en nog een andere bijzondere nieuwigheid: Iconen.
Heb je vragen over deze nieuwe functies? Stel ze dan hier (wel graag uiterlijk vrijdag 10 mei). Ons team zal de meest populaire vragen verzamelen en tegen het einde van de maand zal ik bij jullie terug komen met de antwoorden.
We zijn benieuwd wat je van de updates vindt. En aarzel vooral niet als je vragen hebt. Bedankt voor je bijdrage aan de Airbnb-community.
Hartelijke groet,
👉 Houd rekening met de volgende richtlijnen voor de Q&A sessie:
Hello @Christy-Schrader , it's good to see you also here!
Welcome to the Community Center and thank you for giving us the opportunity to ask questions about the latest release ❤️
As many hosts have mentioned, the selection of the best listings includes golden laurels and a mention of whether they belong to the 1%, 5% or 10%.
Could you tell us what criteria are taken into account for Trophy Selection?
The information indicates that it is based on "ratings, evaluations and reliability among travelers."
It would be very good to know what the difference is between "ratings" and "evaluations", as well as to understand the concept of "reliability" a little more🙏
Many of us, even having listing positioned in the top 1%, 5% or 10%, are curious to know more. How to keep it or how to get it!
In particular, it is difficult to understand that listings with few evaluations (8 for example), an overall ranking of 5 stars, and less than 3 months on the market, can access a higher status than others, which have hundreds of evaluations and years in Airbnb.
All the information you can let us know will help the community to understand it better 🙂
Thank you so much.
Daniel from Tenerife, Canary Islands.
@Christy-Schrader thank you!
Riporto di seguito alcuni commenti e domande dei miei colleghi community leader italiani.
In generale le nuove funzionalita' piacciono e vanno nella direzione di migliorare la gestione della piattaforma.
Rispetto alla nuova messaggistica positivo vedere tutte le sezioni insieme, anche se talvolta rischia di essere un po' confusiva perche' i messaggi si mischiano. Chiedo se sopra il messaggio e' possibile introdurre il nome del listing perche' dal cellulare si rischia di confondere gli annunci, per chi ne ha piu' di uno.
Report guadagno ottimo. Chat di gruppo c'e' preoccupazione per l'aggravio di lavoro degli host.
Alcuni co-host con esperienza segnalano di non vedere piu' le notifiche di lettura.
Rispetto ai Guest Favorite non si comprendono bene i criteri e soprattutto non sembra giusto penalizzare coloro che hanno tante recensioni. E' facile ottenere una palma d'oro avendo poche ottime recensioni, il tema e' il mantenimento delle 5 stelle nel tempo.
Grande entusiasmo per le ICONS, io personalmente ho partecipato alla notte a casa di Khaby Lame per mio figlio di 14 anni. Qualcuno suggerisce di distanziare i giorni dalla candidatura alla data di prenotazione perche' se troppo vicine e se l'esperienza e' lontana non c'e' il tempo di organizzarsi per raggiungerla.
Se dovessi esprimere un desiderio le icone che vorrei trovare sono:
- una notte in casa di uno dei monumenti della canzone (Graceland - Elvis Presley, Neverland Michael Jakson...) oppure nelle ambientazioni dei film piu' famosi (la camera di albergo di Pretty Women, la casa di Mrs Doubtfire...).
- per l'Italia mi piacerebbe trascorrere una notte nel foyer alla Scala di Milano, o al Giorgio Armani hotel o in una super boutique del quadrilatero della moda
- sul Lago di Como, la sede del mio Host Club, c'e' Villa Oleandra di George Clooney, perche' non pensare ad una notte con uno sfondo di impegno sociale per la Fondazione Clooney?
English Translation:
@Christy-Schrader thank you!
Here are some comments and questions from my fellow Italian community leaders.
In general I like the new features and they go in the direction of improving the management of the platform.
Regarding the new messaging it is good to see all the sections together, even if sometimes it can be a bit confusing because the messages get mixed up. I ask if it is possible to introduce the name of the listing above the message because from a mobile phone there is a risk of confusing the listings, for those who have more than one.
Earnings report is excellent. Group chat there is concern about workload for hosts.
Some experienced co-hosts report that they no longer see read notifications.
With regard to Guest Favourites the criteria is not well understood and above all it does not seem fair to penalise those who have a lot of reviews. It is easy to get a gold palm by having a few good reviews, the issue is the maintenance of 5 stars over time.
Great enthusiasm for the ICONS, I personally attended the night at Khaby Lame's house for my 14 year old son. Someone suggests spacing out the days from the booking request to the booking confirmation date because if too close and if the experience is far away there is no time to organise to get there.
If I had to make a wish the icons I would like to find are:
- a night in the house of one of the monuments of the song (Graceland - Elvis Presley, Neverland Michael Jakson...) or in the settings of the most famous films (Pretty Women's hotel room, Mrs Doubtfire's house...).
- for Italy I would like to spend a night in the foyer at La Scala in Milan, or at the Giorgio Armani hotel or in a super boutique in the fashion district
- on Lake Como, the home of my Host Club, there's George Clooney's Villa Oleandra, why not think of a night with a background of social engagement for the Clooney Foundation?
How do I report a bug with the application. Its related to a problem with the price_max fiter during a search in certain circumstances.
I have videos that display the bug's behavior and three detailed CS help calls on this, and the CS people seem lacking in any understanding.
Hi @Shanna5 ,
Thank you for reaching out with your question.
I would like to clarify whether your question is related to the 2024 Summer Release or if it relates to another topic? If it is not related, I encourage you to start a new topic about the issue on the Community Center.
If you have any questions about the 2024 Summer Release, feel free to ask as well.
Ciao @Niccolo28 , grazie per il tuo messaggio!
Hai avuto modo di esplorare gli aggiornamenti della release? Se hai qualche domanda sugli aggiornamenti, questa è l'occasione perfetta. Vuoi lasciare una domanda qui per @Christy-Schrader ? 😉
English Translation:
Hi @Niccolo28 , many thanks for your message!
Have you had a chance to explore the release updates? If you have any questions about the updates, this is a perfect opportunity. Would you like to drop a question here for @Christy-Schrader ? 😉
Hello Everyone,
It has been such a pleasure to read your questions and feedback about the Summer Release. I’d like to thank all of you for participating in this Q&A.
We’ve received some excellent questions from Hosts across the globe and appreciate your contributions and questions during this Q&A session. We’ve received lots of good questions and we will select the most popular and relevant considering that this is a Summer Release Q&A.
Thank you very much for helping us ensure these Q&As remain constructive and helpful for our Host Community. Please bear with us as we move forward with the next steps. Christy will be responding to your top questions here in the Community Center within the next few weeks.
Best regards,