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If you have an EU property listing, or have an EU country of residence according to our records, new EU law (“DAC 7”) requires Airbnb to collect and share your taxpayer information on your listings. We built a new product to make it easier for hosts to provide income tax info and assign to each listing.
After January 1, 2023, Hosts will have 60 days from the date of your first 2023 check-in to provide this information.
If we don’t receive the requested information within 60 days of your first 2023 check-in:
Avoid interruptions to your payouts in 2023 - add income tax info to your Account today.
We have also started compiling answers to your most common EU tax questions, and will continue updating as we hear more. What questions do you have about these upcoming EU tax changes?
Thanks @Delphine348 . Adding my personal tax number is unfortunately is not an answer. Once the DAC7 data get sent then the local tax office will say, "AirBnb says you are getting paid this much per year, give us the tax." I will then have a load of pain and bureaucracy to work through to convince them that I didn't get paid that money personally. But they will say, "But AirBnb says you did". And so on, you can imagine the hassle. Tax collectors aren't know for being flexible. The work around for the moment was to pad the number with zeros!
Hi @Nicoleta26 ! It looks like you've already done some thorough research on this. I've sent your comments over to the team, as soon as I hear back from them I'll let you know. 🙂
Yes I can imagine @Nicoleta26 ! I hope @Airbnb will be able to adjust the format to fit with the particular in Romania.
Thank you for all your explanations, I have learn something today, hope Airbnb will help you.
We live in Japan and have a properdty that we rent in France. It is rented as non business.
1The amounts earned are declared in Japan.
We approached the French tax personnel to give us an id number and they replied that an ID number is given ONLY when filing taxes in France.
I am a resednt for tax purposes a Japan resident.
The system at airbnb and the tax office do not recognised this and as a result, I have no ID number and will propably either have no payment for the bookings and eventually have to close my account, or what? I can't see any other solution.
To make this matter more complicated, I received, so far 5 phone calls from AirBnB personnel who can't be inturupted whil they are reading from a prepared text the rules of the US regarding to tax reporting.
It is an expensive solution to declare the amounts to the FRench authorities AND in Japan. Twice and double wammy.
Anyone with a solution?
Hello @Esther-Rose0 ,
I think your Airbnb account should have your Japanese address and info in order to clarify your tax status. I see France written beside your name on this CC. Maybe it is the reason why you are in this situation as EU citizen (according to your address)?
hi Delphine,
we have exactly the same issue as Esther-Rose ( in our case Netherlands and Uganda, property in Turkey). We pay tax for the property in Turkey but can’t list that in the airbnb system as it doesn’t support other countries than EU, US and a few others. We’ve had extensive contact with airbnb support and they told us our country of residence is predetermined by airbnb based on the algorithm of 1. Our national ID 2. Country of bank account 3. Phone number 4. Profile. One cannot change the country of residence by oneself, airbnb doesn’t allow it based on these algorithms. Only option is to upload a national ID of the country of residence (as if we only live in countries from which we have the passport) AND change bank account to country of residence. When asked for customised advice, we only received a standardised answer repeating the policy. What to do?
@Esther-Rose0 have you checked with the French authorities that you do not have to pay tax there? I would be surprised if you don't. Also is there a dual tax agreement between Japan and France? If there is then you will not pay tax twice.
I'm a UK citizen, with a French house. I'm new (2022) to AirBnB, and will pay French taxes for the first time for calendar 2022. The Impots (French tax authority) do not assign tax numbers to new French taxpayers until the September AFTER the first tax year i.e. September 2023 for me.
But AirBnB has repeatedly emailed me saying they're going to freeze my listing on 1/1/23 if I don't provide a French tax number. I've advised AirBnB I don't have one and won't get one until September 2023, but AirBnB just isn't listening.
I can't be the only one in this situation, surely? I can't give AirBnB something (tax number) that doesn't exist.
Richard -I think the messages you are getting are computer generated. But that is no excuse for airbnb. In its haste to grow airbnb became to impersonal. Too many functions are run by AI, not humans.
@Airbnb: We hosts need better support, more personal and less AI/bots. That goes for every step of the process, starting with user profile approval and ending on personal/human support for real issues. Your **bleep** bots accept profiles that say “Hi, I am (insert name). No info of any kind, often not even a country the prospective guest is from. You cannot claim we are a community and then accept this anti-social behavior. It did not used to be that way. I wish we could get back to being a real community.
Hello @Richard2661 ,
You don't need to wait until September and can contact your tax department to request a tax number.
According to "impots.gouv.fr" web site, for your first subscription:
You must provide the following information:
Surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address and copy of ID
You can communicate through one of the following means:
- At the counter
- By post
Tax Information Service
By phone:
0809 401 401
From Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 7pm, excluding public holidays.
Free service + call price
Thanks Delphine but the French authorities will simply not issue a number before September next year which will be before the Airbnb declaration in January 2024. Do you have any official correspondence from France to help us get this number as the person in my office will not issue? I have no other reason apart from Airbnb asking for it to have this number earlier than it would normally be issued.
This was my response from the French tax authorities:
Le message que vous avez recopié ci-dessous ne signifie pas que vous devez fournir un Numéro Fiscal. Il vous explique simplement que la législation impose aux plateformes de location de bien meublés de fournir, tous les ans, à l'Administration fiscale, le montant des loyers encaissés par chaque propriétaire. Ceci, dans le but de vérifier que les sommes perçues sont bien déclarées.
The message you have copied below does not mean that you need to provide a Tax Number. It simply explains that the legislation requires furnished property rental platforms to provide, every year, to the Tax Administration, the amount of rents collected by each owner. This, in order to verify that the sums collected are properly declared.
Hello @Andrew2839 ,
The answer is incomplete and it's a shame that a tax officer ignores the DEC7 implementation in January...
According to article 6 -1st paragraph of the Convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to avoid duplication tax, tax evasion and income and capital gains evasion:
"Income from real estate (including farm income
Agricultural or forestry) situated in a Contracting State are taxable in that State."
You can have a look at this link
and find contact number for non resident here https://www.impots.gouv.fr/international_en/individual
Hello Delphine,
The issue here is not about paying tax it is about when a new (non resident) property owner in France is given a fiscal number. They are issued the following year in September when the first property taxes are due.
Airbnb want this fiscal number which all French people and owners of more than a year. Unfortunately there is a time lag before this number is issued in France and as a result we cannot provide a number that does not yet exist. The number will however exist before the taxes are due.
"Income from real estate (including farm income
Agricultural or forestry) situated in a Contracting State are taxable in that State."
Nobody is disagreeing with this treaty just that they do not have to issue the number as soon as the property is purchased.
A one size fits all policy does not work when individual countries act differently. I will provide my Fiscal number as soon as I have one.
Thanks, Andrew
Yes @Andrew2839 and I gave you the link with the contact of Non resident tax service in Noisy le Grand. Is it the contact you had and whom answered without knowledge of DAC7?
You are right, it is difficult to have a general rule on this subject. I hope CS will be trained to unblock listings like yours with the proof of first year activity (SIRET registration)
Hi Delphine,
Thank you for your response and I hope that Airbnb take into account that we may have a delay in providing the number for some new French listings. I went to the Maire and got my tourism certificate etc as I want to make sure everything is proper and correct with the taxes.
I contacted the non resident tax service but they said the fiscal number had not yet been issued and I had to speak with the local tax office in Normandy.
The office in Normandy said we don't need the number issued early. I also tried to register to have an online tax account but they will not let you use that without a fiscal number. Complete loop and took many hours of frustration.
Does Airbnb have any correspondence to share with the French tax offices that we can quote to them? This way we can show that the numbers should be issued early.