Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new exper...
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Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new experiences! List your Experience has reopened. The goal is to find am...
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If you have an EU property listing, or have an EU country of residence according to our records, new EU law (“DAC 7”) requires Airbnb to collect and share your taxpayer information on your listings. We built a new product to make it easier for hosts to provide income tax info and assign to each listing.
After January 1, 2023, Hosts will have 60 days from the date of your first 2023 check-in to provide this information.
If we don’t receive the requested information within 60 days of your first 2023 check-in:
Avoid interruptions to your payouts in 2023 - add income tax info to your Account today.
We have also started compiling answers to your most common EU tax questions, and will continue updating as we hear more. What questions do you have about these upcoming EU tax changes?
Hi Andrew, I'm in the identical situation. Banging my head against the wall with Impots. I keep getting passed around. They even asked for my acte d'achat (house purchase contract), which I supplied and got my hopes up. Only to have my hopes dashed this morning. Same answer as months ago: Computer Says No (i.e. Computer Says September).
No word from Airbnb either. Any progress your end?
@Sybe @Andrew2839 @Delphine348 I've now got my 2nd email of the day from Direction des Impôts des Non-résidents (I suppose I have to grudgingly admire those working on 27 December) stating "Il est impossible d'attribuer un numéro fiscal avant une taxation." (It is impossible to assign a fiscal number before taxation.)
I really wonder why they didn't tell me that more than 2 months ago and save us both the multiple back-and-forth.
It seems it is solely down to Airbnb to find a solution. Surely there is some pragmatic flexibility given the circumstances? I want to comply with a numéro fiscale ... but it is simply impossible.
@Sybe @Delphine348 @Andrew2839 ... it keeps getting weirder. I've just got a 3rd email completely unsolicited - today, 2 January - from Direction des Impôts des Non-résidents saying "Il n'est désormais plus possible d'attribuer des numéros fiscaux hors taxation." (It is no longer possible to assign tax numbers except during taxation. [this translation is a bit Anglicised])
The important bit being "no longer" i.e. it was once possible, but no more.
All help gratefully accepted.
Hello @Richard2661 @Andrew2839 and happy new year to both of you.
French administration is still complicated as your exemples show well!
@Stephanie maybe this recent exemples can help to handle foreign hosts listing in France at the deadline date? To avoid suspension until September 2023, does the EU documentation write about it? When the State doesn't deliver the tax number. I guess France isn't compliant and hosts cannot be victim of this non compliance.
I have exactly the same issue. The tax office will not issue before September and I have spent hours on the phone, email etc. The tax official simply will not budge - I am now back in the UK.
@Sybe @ @Delphine348 @Andrew2839 ... it keeps getting weirder. I've just got a 3rd email completely unsolicited - today, 2 January - from Direction des Impôts des Non-résidents saying "Il n'est désormais plus possible d'attribuer des numéros fiscaux hors taxation." (It is no longer possible to assign tax numbers except during taxation. [this translation is a bit Anglicised])
The important bit being "no longer" i.e. it was once possible, but no more.
All help gratefully accepted.
It's been a requirement since around 2012. I entered our tax information around that time. It's all been fine...
... Until this change. A fewbweeks ago, I received that ominous message demanding tax information again. So, I re-entered it. I presume it's all good again. Until the next update.
But there's truth in the previous messages regarding listings in country-A, owned and operated by owner in country-B. I'm not sure how you can collect money in country-A without reporting and paying tax in that country. Here in Spain, that wound be blatant tax evasion, and they could take your property from you
I remember some years ago when (Balearics) changed tourism law requiring tourism licensing, which ostensibly requires tax registration. Oh, the screaming! Those who bought a flat in Mallorca, using it two weeks or year, the rest of the year letting it out on Airbnb to tourists... Collecting the money tax free... Well, that came to an abrupt end.
So, beware, if you're collecting rent money in country-A, and not declaring it in that country, you could be in for a world of hurt.
I have a problem with the form on the Airbnb site for providing the tax information. It only allows one person to be assigned as tax payer for one property. The listing is mine, but I simply manage it for my sister and her son who are joint owners and jointly pay tax on the earnings.
I have made them both co hosts so I could add their info and assign thence to the property. But it seems it can only be one of them! What do I do?
I am a bit confused about the DAC7. So I am an American citizen who now lives in France with my family. I own a house in New York State that I rent out on Airbnb and pay taxes to NYS and IRS. Since I am technically now a resident of France that makes me required to be taxed on my US listing in France as well?? Currently my tax info for Airbnb is setup for my address in NYS. It seems crazy to have to claim income in US and pay taxes and then also increase my tax/income amounts in France. Do I need to setup the DAC7 and change the address on my US tax payer portion to France?
Many thanks,