Give the gift of home

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Give the gift of home



“We were really in a difficult situation,” says Mousa, who was displaced from his country along with his wife and two young sons. “What’s gonna happen next? We’re not sure.”


“It was the four of them and six small pieces of luggage,” recalled Susan, an host who welcomed them into her home. “They looked bewildered,” her husband Steve added. “They looked exhausted.” 


Host Advisory Board member Susan and her husband Steve changed the lives of a young family displaced by crisis. As an Airbnb host, you can make a difference too by donating a percentage of your payout to help those affected by disasters. Click here to learn more.
1 Reply 1
Host Advisory Board Member
Nairobi, Kenya


This is such a touching story. Well done Susan and family. So heartwarming!  Just seeing the Transformation and hope that this act of kindness from one family to the other, I’m left in awe and amazed at what can be achieved when we each give of what we have and share it with those who are in need. Indeed as Susan says, what goes around does come around. Her heart and those of her family and those they’ve touched are full.💐Thank you for making this possible ❤️