Host questions answered: Airbnb’s Summer Release

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Host questions answered: Airbnb’s Summer Release


Updated Jun 19, 2022


Just to share a quick update that we have created the promised Resource Center guidelines for listing descriptions has been published and you can read it here.


Hi Hosting Community, 


A month ago, we introduced the Airbnb 2022 Summer Release with a new way to search designed around Airbnb Categories


Since then, we’ve gathered feedback from thousands of Hosts through our Community Center, Host Clubs, emails, and in workshops with the Host Advisory Board and Host leaders. Thank you for your valuable comments and suggestions. 


Today, we want to share an update on some of the important feedback you’ve shared.  More updates will follow. 


You can read about them here.


Please continue to share your ideas and feedback as it directly assists in how we evolve our platform. 


Your continued support, feedback and constructive thoughts on this and many of our release features is incredibly valuable and I encourage you to continue sharing here.






Please follow the Community Guidelines 

258 Replies 258

I have been told by several customer support people that the algorithm re-evaluates all listings on the platform every two weeks. Hopefully your changes will result in being added to the categories you desired soon.

Level 10
Stockholm County, Sweden

@Lisa34 : I hope so! It’s been just over a week, and nothing’s changed yet. 

Yes, that is kind of a tricky thing. How do you know if the bot has looked at you and decided that your pictures still aren’t worthy of the category? I also really still can’t tell which categories we’ve been included in. Not to mention, I suppose if you change your pictures around you stand to be excluded from the category you were added to. In my opinion the chefs kitchen category is extra tricky. How do you indicate that you have lots of small wares, appliances, and high-end equipment? We have taken pictures of all those things and still aren’t included in that category.  I wish there was more information about how this works.

Level 8
Los Angeles, CA

My idea is to treat Hosts and Guests equally and for Customer Service to use common sense and not have everything preprogrammed.  Hosts are human until IA takes over!
