What Hosts are saying

    (Last updated 3 May, 2023) It is important to know that the Community Center is part of the Airbnb platform and Airbnb’s Terms of Service , Privacy Policy and Community Policies, including the Non Discrimination Policy apply to your use of the Communit...
    Airbnb fosters connection and belonging by embracing inclusion and respect regardless of a person's background or identity. As members of the Airbnb community, these are values that we all have a responsibility to uphold and protect. To foster a space ...
    Hi everyone, In the few months I’ve been a part of the Community I have to say I’ve really enjoyed checking out your listings, and I’ve seen a few extra details shared in your photos too. But which part of your listing do you think makes it stan... Latest reply by Katie
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    Hello everyone, We are so pleased to wish you all a very happy 5 years of the Community Center! I remember very clearly our launch of the Community Center at the Airbnb Open in 2015 and getting very excited about the first two posts we received fro... Latest reply by Evelina44
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    Hey everyone, It’s coming up to that time of year again, where we hold our Month of Celebration here on the Community Center. For anyone who is new to the CC, we’ve been doing this since 2017, and it works a little bit like an advent calendar: eac... Latest reply by Katie
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    Hi everyone, As we are leaving October behind and autumn is in full force, these were a few of our most engaging discussions last month. @Ann72 was kind enough to take us on a virtual tour around New York. In the time of COVID, we wondered which ... Latest reply by Emiel1
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    Hi everyone, I’m taking a few days off and wanted to give you a heads up that I’ll be away from the Community next week. If you need anything, please get in touch with @Katie , @Nick , @Quincy or @Lizzie . They’ll be happy to help! In the meant... Latest reply by Kathleen187
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    Hello everyone, Everybody experiences different milestones in life and the majority are very positive, so we usually enjoy celebrating them. Let's think back to a special milestone—your 50th or perhaps even 500th guest! Have you achieved a hosting mi... Latest reply by Quincy
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    Dear Airbnb,Please quit your paternalistic and bullying ‘one size fits all’ policies. There are many locations in the world with little or no community COVID infections, so to coerce hosts (by threatening blocking of calendar and bookings) into complying ... Latest reply by Helen427
    Hi everyone, We have a new game, something fun to do over the weekend. From culture to food, to general information associated with the area, the emojis below illustrate 34 different countries. Can you guess which ones they are? As always, for ... Latest reply by Robin4
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