What Hosts are saying

    (Last updated 3 May, 2023) It is important to know that the Community Center is part of the Airbnb platform and Airbnb’s Terms of Service , Privacy Policy and Community Policies, including the Non Discrimination Policy apply to your use of the Communit...
    Airbnb fosters connection and belonging by embracing inclusion and respect regardless of a person's background or identity. As members of the Airbnb community, these are values that we all have a responsibility to uphold and protect. To foster a space ...
    Instant Book basics Instant Book is a powerful tool that allows guests to instantly book your home for available dates—alleviating the need for hosts to review and accept each booking request individually. Many hosts report that they earn more money by m... Latest reply by Jim550
    How a hospitality expert and former Creative Director with an eye for details transformed a 1970s beach bungalow into a space for guests to shine. When guests enter the Beach Lodge, they immediately gain a sense of who Tiffany Caliva-Talledo is. Her ... Latest reply by Natalie888
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    Hello everyone,We have reached that time again for the quarterly Superhost assessment, where we celebrate all of your hard work! This evaluation period started on the 1st of July and you’ll find out your status by July 14th. Before doing this evaluation w... Latest reply by Mandi-S-Just-Business-Ro0
    As our global host community grows and becomes increasingly diverse, Airbnb’s programmes and policies need to grow and adapt as well – both to ensure the success of people from all over the world, and to show our appreciation for hosts’ hard work and a... Latest reply by Jamie206
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