Advice about my 5 year superhost listing that suddenly have noo bookings for the next 6 months

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Advice about my 5 year superhost listing that suddenly have noo bookings for the next 6 months

Hello fellow Airbnb Host

I have had a super host for 5 years with around 95% booking rating compared to similar in my area, which is around 47-55%
Until now, I have had only 2-3 non-booked days per month on an ongoing basis.
But suddenly, I have had no bookings for January or the upcoming six months, which is a worry.

I have reduced prices, updated the listing, etc., but I am unsure what else to do.
I tried to get help/feedback from the Airbnb support team, but that was not helpful. They are just sending prewritten generic replies that don't look into my question.


Has anyone else had the same issue with suddenly having no bookings compared to what they had until the recent change in algorithms that happened last year?

 I’d appreciate any insights you might have about my listing, photography, or pricing. If you’re willing to look at my profile and photos, I’d love your suggestions on improving visibility, ensuring my space meets guest expectations, and determining if Smart Pricing plus custom discounts could help. Thanks so much for your guidance!

It would also be great if the community host and fellow Airbnb hosts reviewed my listing and suggested any changes you think I should make.

Best Dan 

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Longmont, CO

Haven't had that problem, but took a look at your pics.


Have you changed your pics over the past few weeks/months?


In looking at the pics from your screenshot, I'm:


-not sure what the "32m2" means in the title

-should be bedroom, not "bed room" in title. (If you put them together, you can add the '/' for w/ later on in title

-can't see out the window in the biggest pic (though that may be preferred due to what looks like a building, in a different pic, right next door)

-seeing the same pic 2x (plate setting w/ art on shelves)

-place settings look good, but detail is missing if you really want to show that pic (can't see the silverware - have a different color mat to use by any chance?)

-not a fan of the stack of chairs by the bed 

-Is there artwork on top of the radiator?


By all means, pay no attention to my thoughts!  Figured I'd share them in hopes that they help!


Hope this helps!

