Airbnb Blocked My Calendar, Said I'm Under Investigation

Level 2
Bishop's Stortford, United Kingdom

Airbnb Blocked My Calendar, Said I'm Under Investigation

Airbnb Safety Team has blocked my calendar. How long does this investigation take? 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Only they would know, considering you (and everyone else) has no clue what they are investigating.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Gabriella87! I came across your post and was taking a quick peek at your listings. I noticed that in all 3 of your listings, the calendar seems to be open for booking. (I hope I am not missing something though). Did you have more than 3 listings?


Did you already hear back from the Airbnb Safety Team to resolve the issues and unblock the calendars?

I dearly hope this has been resolved for you!




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